17 March 2010

Why I am in retirement?

As an actor, I'm in retirement. Why? I was incredibly passionate about my art.

Being in Orlando, has drained the creative spirit out of me. Between the poseurs, the people that pander to others, the users, the lack of finding people that are like-minded and supportive to help me grow and devellop my art, and the lack of available resources -- performance and rehearsal space. I am frustrated. I feel like I am constantly running up against a brick wall. If I am a 'yes man', then I am a good boy. If I assert myself and defend my decisions, and debate them, I am difficult.

My 'method' of directing and acting is through constructive criticism and feedback. I feed off of other people for direction and performance; it is a collaborative approach. However, flexibility is key. I strive to be flexible without giving up my right to question things.

Anyway, another big thing is: I haven't found works I am excited or passionate about, or people or companies I work with that I like and respect. Those are critical for my enjoyment and fulfillment in my art.

We'll see what the future holds. Though I am enjoying retirement, I long to be back on stage or in front of the camera. We'll see where my fate lies. Only time will tell.

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