30 December 2012

China's hi-tech 'death van' where criminals are executed and then their organs are sold on black market

I think the Chinese Central Government needs to have a rethink about this....  This screams Nazi Germany and WWII Japanese POW camps.


Woman finds note from Chinese labor camp prisoner in Kmart decorations

I find this fascinating....  I hope this forces change.


Doctor: Young woman gang-raped in India dies

From CNN: Doctor: Young woman gang-raped in India dies

May Damini's death not be in vain. I can only hope that this creates change. Violence against the victim is not their fault, rather the perpetrators and the society and cultural taboos that enable them.

Open letter to a co-worker

Dear fucktard who cannot be named: you are patronizing and condescending. We try to help you, but instead we get treated like the bad guys. We try to reach out, instead you blow us off. No wonder people don't want to work with you. You need to learn to start giving us a little respect and dignity. I have been here way too long and worked too long to earn the rep I have to be treated this way. 

Like I learned a long time ago as a manager: "You are worthy of my respect. I deserve the same from you." (Kinko's Commitments to Communication)

OFFICIAL Video: Russell Brand Interviews Westboro Baptist Church

I love Christian hypocrisy and how they try to spin it as righteousness and virtue.

25 December 2012

Gift Giving, a Facebook Post

I wrote this as a response to a friend of mine who posted on Facebook how much he hates the gift exchange/giving aspect of the holiday. 

The Asian part of me gives gifts and sends cards as a token of my love and esteem. I ask for nothing but a simple Thank You in return. The Western part of me does the same as a way of saying I am thinking about you, regardless of the distance and the last time we talked. I don't expect reciprocation. There are many ways to give the gift of unconditional love. The material is inconsequential, rather the thought and intention behind it speaks volumes. As Christ commanded the disciples: 'Love Each Other'.

I understand he feels bad because he can't afford to reciprocate, I just hope he would understand when most people give, it is unconditional and no strings attached and meant with the best of intentions and esteem. I have learned this is the best way to give, to avoid disappointment and drama.

However, the vain part of me wants to leave a part of myself with you, as a physical and spiritual reminder of myself. So I leave my love unconditionally to you....

22 December 2012

Ewe fish ewe a mewwy Christmas!

Merry Christmas from my house to yours, and my best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Joyous, and Prosperous New Year!

Now here's a thought....

Secession petitions: Why Americans don't really want to break up

Secession petitions: Why Americans don't really want to break up

Dysfunctionally divided, we will never fall, as we are still united.  Love this article.

My Take: Six things I don't want to hear after the Sandy Hook massacre


People, as human nature dictates, love to have explanations as to why things are the way they are or why things happen.  We have to understand.  In this article, the author explains why the following statements are the WRONG things to hear after a tragedy such as Sandy Hook.

Six things I don't want to hear after the Sandy Point Massacre

Driving Rant

If you're not wearing a headset, get off the damn phone and watch what you're doing. 

If you're running late, don't take it out on me by tailgating. 

Cutting people off doesn't get you there faster.  Especially if you're stuck in a wolf pack of cars and can't do a darn thing about it.

Out of staters (aka tourists), pay attention to where you're going or use alternate transport.  They know where they're going, safely and efficently.

For God's sake, if you're going to actually do the speed limit, don't be a douchebag and drive in the furthest left -- or fast -- lane.  You're actually making the situation more dangerous than it really needs to be.

If there's a multi-car crash and all the traffic is being forced to merge into a single lane (from three):  Be civil and work with each other trying to merge.  Not letting someone in won't get you through this inconvenience faster.  AND, be aware of emergency vehicles -- make room for them, whatever you have to do to help make this happen.  They're trying help clear the accident that's forcing us to work together.

Finally, I-4 is not a NASCAR race track, so drive accordingly. 

My auto driving rant is done for the day. 

Thank you.

Just to see who's reading this blog....

Test: Use Facebook as a noun, verb -- present and/or past tense, indirect object, and other parts of speech (please specify). There has to be other words other than Facebook in the sentence.
(This came out of a conversation with someone, which I had said "Facebook me!" She, in amazement, said "You just used Facebook as a verb." Technically, I used it in the Imperative/Command form.)
Just to see who's reading this....

03 December 2012

Reach Out And Touch Somebody's Hand

In the spirit of the season of love, friendship, and brotherhood, reach out to someone, one hand -- and foot -- at time.

How to turn your favorite employee into a high maintenance pain

How to turn your favorite employee into a high maintenance Pain In The Ass:

- Dismiss or disregard our feedback. What do we know? We have been doing this longer than you.

-Not challenging us or taking an interest in our future. Not all of us want to be in the same job forever. Some of us need guidance and inspiration. 

-Not acknowledging our contributions.  We are all self-motivated and don't need very much.  A SINCERE "Thank You" or "Good Job" every once in a while goes a long way.

-Not taking the time to build a constructive working relationship with us. We are not all adversarial. We care, perhaps a bit too much, about our success as a TEAM.

-Not being there when we need your support or guidance.

-Not taking the time to understand our point of view, and explaining yours. 

-Not promoting an esprit de corps, where we celebrate success and learn from the challenges collectively.
-Not understanding that we don't intend to be high maintenance, we just need to have issues addressed or least letting us have a chance to be heard.

As a former manager and supervisor and a current business owner and teacher, these are things I have learned NOT to do to alienate myself from the peeps that make us all successful at work and in life.

I dedicate this to certain management and 'leaders' that I have had the displeasure of working with in the past 25 years.  This treatise is a result of experiences I have had, and classes I have taken about employee management and development throughout the years.  Just feel the need to put this out there, so people know that I do know what it is like to have the people you work for treat you the way they do.