19 July 2013

How do we stop racism?

The point being:  When we can refer to each other as people, rather than *, we will have moved closer towards a more inclusive society.

*factors based on physical appearance, gender/gender identification, social and economic levels, and other internal and external factors in which we tend to judge and discriminate.

17 July 2013

Hikikomori: Your stories about refusing to leave bedrooms

Hikikomori: Your stories about refusing to leave bedrooms

One of the more touching stories in this article, which describes most of my high school experience:

This describes me, aged 11-16. As a child I had always been happy to play alone, but had never been wary of social interaction. At secondary school, I was bullied. I didn't feel I could stand my ground, so I withdrew. I didn't want to spend time with anyone. Not even my family. I would spend hours in my room watching TV, cleaning it, reading, drawing, listening to music - so long as it didn't require speaking to people. The fact that I was coming to terms with being gay was also a major factor, and I felt the world didn't want to accept me. On the odd occasions that I went outside, I was terrified about being recognised. I went to great lengths to avoid this, wearing hats, hoods and sunglasses. I broke out of the cycle when I started to find friends who would invite me out, and the bullying subsided. Once I had a social life I could be confident in, I no longer needed or wanted to stay in my room all the time. That period of my life has had a lasting impact on how I behave. I still feel the need to withdraw into my own company, although not to an extent that is abnormal. I sometimes lack confidence, and have paranoid thoughts about what people think of me. It seems I am fortunate that I managed to break free. Tristan, Bristol, UK

I eventually found the strength and courage to start making friends outside of school, which lead to my coming out.  When I did that, I was able to bolster my circle of friends and support system.  I still have issues with withdrawal, so don't let my gregarious and enthusiastic facade fool you.  Until I know you and feel safe with you, people only get to know the sides I need you to know about me.

Funny Or Not?

Asiana jokes: Racist or just bad taste?

In this case, bad taste. But it did remind me of the crank callers of my youth seeing if PBX operators would page 'Mike Hunt' over their paging systems. The funny part in both scenarios to me is the unlucky person who doesn't catch it in time and announces it, as though nothing is wrong. 

We all have made jokes about stereotypes, we just have to be aware of context and audience. One of my best friends likes to use the story of when my mom cussed him out on the phone, because she couldn't hear him on the other end. He tells it, play by play, complete with Asian accents. It's hysterical!

To me, stereotypical jokes is a matter of how it's being used, when its being used, and the target audience whether its funny or not. Some aren't really funny, some are hysterical but many are in between, provoking many different reactions. 

Which taught me this: I keep my humor to myself, and share it only with people when appropriate. Unless it has a universal theme, like cooking and burning Rice-A-Roni.

16 July 2013

Rest In Peace, Finn

Glee Star dead from overdose

Rest In Peace, Cory.

McDonald's Can't Figure Out How Its Workers Survive on Minimum Wage

McDonald's Can't Figure Out How Its Workers Survive on Minimum Wage

Control-Shift-DUH! Large companies are so out of touch with how their employees live on what they get paid. They need to live their lives for a day, week or even a month to fully understand how much these workers are uh.... Used.

05 July 2013

In Honor of our Servicewomen and men

In honor of those who served their country freely, defending the ideals and values of our nation and keeping the peace around the world. 

"Camo", by Kelly Zak, "Purple Heart", by Thalia Hel. For AEOStudios. 

No More War

"Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream"

Last night I had the strangest dream
I ever dreamed before
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war

I dreamed I saw a mighty room
The room was filled with men
And the paper they were signing said
They'd never fight again

And the people in the streets below
Were dancing round and round
And guns and swords and uniforms
Were scattered on the ground

Last night I had the strangest dream
I ever dreamed before
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war

-- Lyrics and music, Ed McCurdy