30 December 2012

China's hi-tech 'death van' where criminals are executed and then their organs are sold on black market

I think the Chinese Central Government needs to have a rethink about this....  This screams Nazi Germany and WWII Japanese POW camps.


Woman finds note from Chinese labor camp prisoner in Kmart decorations

I find this fascinating....  I hope this forces change.


Doctor: Young woman gang-raped in India dies

From CNN: Doctor: Young woman gang-raped in India dies

May Damini's death not be in vain. I can only hope that this creates change. Violence against the victim is not their fault, rather the perpetrators and the society and cultural taboos that enable them.

Open letter to a co-worker

Dear fucktard who cannot be named: you are patronizing and condescending. We try to help you, but instead we get treated like the bad guys. We try to reach out, instead you blow us off. No wonder people don't want to work with you. You need to learn to start giving us a little respect and dignity. I have been here way too long and worked too long to earn the rep I have to be treated this way. 

Like I learned a long time ago as a manager: "You are worthy of my respect. I deserve the same from you." (Kinko's Commitments to Communication)

OFFICIAL Video: Russell Brand Interviews Westboro Baptist Church

I love Christian hypocrisy and how they try to spin it as righteousness and virtue.

25 December 2012

Gift Giving, a Facebook Post

I wrote this as a response to a friend of mine who posted on Facebook how much he hates the gift exchange/giving aspect of the holiday. 

The Asian part of me gives gifts and sends cards as a token of my love and esteem. I ask for nothing but a simple Thank You in return. The Western part of me does the same as a way of saying I am thinking about you, regardless of the distance and the last time we talked. I don't expect reciprocation. There are many ways to give the gift of unconditional love. The material is inconsequential, rather the thought and intention behind it speaks volumes. As Christ commanded the disciples: 'Love Each Other'.

I understand he feels bad because he can't afford to reciprocate, I just hope he would understand when most people give, it is unconditional and no strings attached and meant with the best of intentions and esteem. I have learned this is the best way to give, to avoid disappointment and drama.

However, the vain part of me wants to leave a part of myself with you, as a physical and spiritual reminder of myself. So I leave my love unconditionally to you....

22 December 2012

Ewe fish ewe a mewwy Christmas!

Merry Christmas from my house to yours, and my best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Joyous, and Prosperous New Year!

Now here's a thought....

Secession petitions: Why Americans don't really want to break up

Secession petitions: Why Americans don't really want to break up

Dysfunctionally divided, we will never fall, as we are still united.  Love this article.

My Take: Six things I don't want to hear after the Sandy Hook massacre


People, as human nature dictates, love to have explanations as to why things are the way they are or why things happen.  We have to understand.  In this article, the author explains why the following statements are the WRONG things to hear after a tragedy such as Sandy Hook.

Six things I don't want to hear after the Sandy Point Massacre

Driving Rant

If you're not wearing a headset, get off the damn phone and watch what you're doing. 

If you're running late, don't take it out on me by tailgating. 

Cutting people off doesn't get you there faster.  Especially if you're stuck in a wolf pack of cars and can't do a darn thing about it.

Out of staters (aka tourists), pay attention to where you're going or use alternate transport.  They know where they're going, safely and efficently.

For God's sake, if you're going to actually do the speed limit, don't be a douchebag and drive in the furthest left -- or fast -- lane.  You're actually making the situation more dangerous than it really needs to be.

If there's a multi-car crash and all the traffic is being forced to merge into a single lane (from three):  Be civil and work with each other trying to merge.  Not letting someone in won't get you through this inconvenience faster.  AND, be aware of emergency vehicles -- make room for them, whatever you have to do to help make this happen.  They're trying help clear the accident that's forcing us to work together.

Finally, I-4 is not a NASCAR race track, so drive accordingly. 

My auto driving rant is done for the day. 

Thank you.

Just to see who's reading this blog....

Test: Use Facebook as a noun, verb -- present and/or past tense, indirect object, and other parts of speech (please specify). There has to be other words other than Facebook in the sentence.
(This came out of a conversation with someone, which I had said "Facebook me!" She, in amazement, said "You just used Facebook as a verb." Technically, I used it in the Imperative/Command form.)
Just to see who's reading this....

03 December 2012

Reach Out And Touch Somebody's Hand

In the spirit of the season of love, friendship, and brotherhood, reach out to someone, one hand -- and foot -- at time.

How to turn your favorite employee into a high maintenance pain

How to turn your favorite employee into a high maintenance Pain In The Ass:

- Dismiss or disregard our feedback. What do we know? We have been doing this longer than you.

-Not challenging us or taking an interest in our future. Not all of us want to be in the same job forever. Some of us need guidance and inspiration. 

-Not acknowledging our contributions.  We are all self-motivated and don't need very much.  A SINCERE "Thank You" or "Good Job" every once in a while goes a long way.

-Not taking the time to build a constructive working relationship with us. We are not all adversarial. We care, perhaps a bit too much, about our success as a TEAM.

-Not being there when we need your support or guidance.

-Not taking the time to understand our point of view, and explaining yours. 

-Not promoting an esprit de corps, where we celebrate success and learn from the challenges collectively.
-Not understanding that we don't intend to be high maintenance, we just need to have issues addressed or least letting us have a chance to be heard.

As a former manager and supervisor and a current business owner and teacher, these are things I have learned NOT to do to alienate myself from the peeps that make us all successful at work and in life.

I dedicate this to certain management and 'leaders' that I have had the displeasure of working with in the past 25 years.  This treatise is a result of experiences I have had, and classes I have taken about employee management and development throughout the years.  Just feel the need to put this out there, so people know that I do know what it is like to have the people you work for treat you the way they do.

02 November 2012

I need a hero -- NOT!

I am not looking for 'heroes' in this election. I am annoyed at the thought that there are politicians seeking office wanting to be the heroes, and those who want to bill them as such. They are human beings, supposedly wanting to work for the public good. Need a hero? Look into yourselves and find real people that have made a difference in your life and others. It could be your mom, your high school English teacher, someone who believed in you when all the cards were stacked against you, a doctor, your best friend, your child/pet.... It could even be you.

Parallels to country's racist past haunt age of Obama

CNN: Parallels to country's racist past haunt age of Obama
 (click link to view)
I've been pondering where all the political animosity the past 5 years has been coming from.... While the issues are complex, this makes a compelling argument that though we individually deny this is happening, perhaps unconsciously and unintended, it persists whether we like it or not, and therefore one of the issues at stake. And part of why high drama is so pervasive in our political landscape today. I firmly believe that in order to move on as a nation, we have to let a lot of stuff go and forgive and reconcile. This doesn't mean turning our backs on the past, it just means in order to move forward, we have to acknowledge the past and remember it so it never happens again.

26 October 2012

When Americans purchase legitimate goods, they should be assured that the goods can be resold, given away, and used in any legal manner they see fit. As an retailer, this could impact how we can sell to our customers. This could undermine the ability of online retailers like eBay, Amazon -- and small business owners like myself -- to sell to you. Please check this out, and support this effort. 

25 October 2012

Saturday Night Live - Lids/Gangnam Style

This is becoming one of my favorites! 

Saturday Night Live - Tech Talk: iPhone 5

Some of my friends have said this could be potentially perceived as racist.  To me, it makes a statement about some of the product development decisions that went into making iPhone 5.  If they had focused on the living and working conditions of the workers, I would have been pissed, as it would have discounted them in a forum such as SNL,  especially if the actors weren't Asian.

Here's the link if you don't see video here.  Having issues trying to get the video to appear. http://youtu.be/ybDKfGEw4aU

19 October 2012

What this election is really about

I think it's about change or the fear thereof.

People, mostly the upper class, mostly white, mostly male, are truly afraid of losing the influence they actually have. People who are trying to ensure equality for all Americans -- economically, politically and socially -- are viewed as a threat. They just happen to be lower class, people of color, the younger generation, women.

Whatever happened to the thought that everyone was created equal and that we all contribute equally to society? Do the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the 14th Amendment, Civil Rights matter still?

We have become a nation of picking and choosing what viewpoint we want to hear. Right or wrong. What happened to presenting information in an objective manner so that people will have to draw their own conclusions? So our opinions are skewed to what we hear and don't hear. And for this I blame the media, and being a market economy.

It plays to the fears of people and not allowing us to really seek the truth and see it for what it really is. Hell, I knew the market was going to crash in 2008 because gas shot up to $4+, consumer goods were getting expensive, credit was way too easy to get, and too many houses were being built without regard to who could really afford them. And that's what I got from just being aware of what was going around me.

So the right wing brings out fears that play on race, wasting money, socialism/extreme left wing, sex/gender, who has control and (predominately white upper class) privilege. The left wing counters with fears of near fascism, race, wasting money, sex/gender, and who has control. See the similarities?

The right want to go back to life as it was in the 60s, that is if you were white. The left has embraced inclusion as part of the reality that is our country. Though both sides are in denial.

They need each other to save themselves from their own undoing. Remember checks and balances? Yup. The left acknowledges, but doesn't assert themselves. The right? Well, they're coming across as 'my way or the highway' at the moment. I'm sure that they'll learn that in this day and age, consensus building is important.

We fear the right because it will deepen the class struggle and stuck with values that not everyone believes in. We fear the left because it wants us to embrace the unknown that is the future and start acknowledging certain realities that may not be consistent with what people believe in.

Even though people say it's not a cultural war. It is indeed very much one. And a ideological one. And a class one. And yes, to an extent, a race war.

This is an over simplification of what I see going on. But it's important that people see things for what it really are, so, we can have a dialogue, and figure out what we need to do to build a future for our nation.

It's time to critically think about things in a rational and objective matter. Only then will we be able to start moving forward.

18 October 2012

My first accupuncture session

Got my first acupuncture treatment today. It was different than acupressure massage, because it was with needles. Not a fan of needles, but this time it didn't bother me. It was cool feeling my chi and other stuff realign themselves, bringing a healing power to my back and other things. It left me drained, but I gained a different consciousness.

16 October 2012

Saying "no"

Sometimes saying no is a good thing.   It means that one loves themselves enough to know there are limits and boundaries they are not willing to cross.  And once it is said, it ought to be respected.

No thanks....

This is an email I wrote to a cousin, whose family I have discovered I want nothing to do with.  Those issues involve race, class, morals and ethics, which could be a best selling book.  She found me on Facebook -- again.  I had to remind her of my wishes.

Dear Renelita,

Please respect that I wish not to have contact with you and your family.

When I found out certain things -- some of which I knew, some I didn't -- I decided I cannot have that kind of drama in my life.  I have too much in my professional life, I do not need it in my personal life.  Which means I do not wish to have contact with you or your family.

I owe it to my mother -- God rest her soul in heaven -- to meet and get to know you.  But I do not want to be hurt or used like she was when she was alive.  My life is full of hurt and pain, which I do not wish to be subject to anymore.  I want to be happy, and having contact with you will not enhance my happiness.

Thank you.  Please do not contact me anymore.

10 October 2012

Take some responsbility!

Do people know how to read, ask questions, do their research, comprehend the information they are being given? Geez people! Have we turned into a bunch of brainless, useless drones?

I am tired of people assuming things they shouldn't, not reading the fine print, asking questions, or taking the time to understand what's being read or heard.  People need to take responsibility -- and not force the information giver into this trap -- for understanding these things, concepts or ideas before they commit to them, make a purchase, or 'objectively' come to a conclusion. 

Without the ability for critical and independent thinking, we will turn into brainless, useless drones, much like the outsourced workers overseas answering our customer service lines when we call.  Unable to think outside the box, unable to see that there are truly ways around obstacles, and unable to understand that things are not as black and white as they seem or supposedly should be.

Even the converse pisses me off.  The lack of information, transparency and the attitude of working with the information given is pretty bad.  This leads to assumptions, and the attitude of being forced to believe that the information available is gospel.  Most of the time, it can be.  However there are people don't take the initiative to ask questions, because apparently "That's all there is to know".  

Sure whatever. 

Don't blame me if your mind refuses to work a little harder to be a little better informed.  It just shows that you're lazy and really don't care until it affects you.

It tis a dangerous thing being a drone.

08 October 2012

People and their bad juju

I just don't have time to deal with those who think that their behavior is acceptable, when it really isn't. I just don't want to be around those people, as they are engaging in a type of negativity that is damaging. My life is full of many different types of bad juju, I don't need other people's on my plate either.

Shop creepiness

Processing the never ending mound of eBay orders late last night. Leaving the shop, turning off the lights, I noticed a glow from one of the shelves. Was it a creature waiting to devour me? Was it a spirit of a former occupant? Was it a fire waiting to happen? No, it was glow in the dark makeup. Tee hee!

01 October 2012

Ann Coulter is a moron!

This from Upworthy....

This proves that Ann Coulter is a dumb white cunt.  Not to throw race in it, but I really hate it when white people think that they are the experts on the race issue, it shows that they are really clueless like this idiot.  They can be empathetic and supportive, but they should never dare to speak for us and our struggles.  Those who 'advocate' in the manner that Ms Coulter is in this segment, needs to open their eyes and see how hurtful and harmful they are really being.

I guess what makes this infuriating is that her 'authoritative' stance comes from her white, presumably upper class privilege.  She doesn't understand that engaging in this really messed up power play really hurts people nor does she understand how it hurts people.

Read and watch:  Ann Coulter Tries To Tell Whoopi Goldberg How Black People Feel About Things. It Does Not Go Well.

30 September 2012

A baby shower cake

I have no idea how appropriate this cake is for the occasion, but its funny! Thanks Kristen!

Halloween Glut

So driving around town, I noticed that there were at least 8 Halloween stores within a 5 mile radius. That doesn't include my shop, Target and Wal-Mart, and all the arts and craft shops. And there's 2 Spirit Halloween stores within 3 miles of each other.

I understand that the Halloween industry is a $13 billion industry. But this is overkill. No one is going to make the dinero people think they are going to make.

21 September 2012

A joke

I noticed driving on I-4, that people can't center their cars in the lanes. Instead, they tend to drive towards the left side of the lanes. Does this mean they are left-leaning?

(insert moan and throw tomatoes here)

20 September 2012

Facebook post

Here's something I posted on Facebook today:

Just helped someone register to vote. Remember that we all need to exercise our voice to get the government we want and speaks for the will of the majority.

Here's a conversation that ensued.  It wasn't good or bad, it was voicing frustration at the system as it is, and the importance of holding on to the ideal that voting is important.

Person PLEASE show me a candidate worth voting for instead of the lessor of two evils.
Me  Until the state of American politics changes, it will continue to be the lessor of both evils. Until things change, we, regardless of our beliefs, must use our vote and voice, to start a conversation about the direction we, collectively as a nation, want to take.
Person Drew, I agree with you to a point, However, I have always felt that to vote for someone is the same as me saying I approve of them. I cannot even begin to say I approve of either candidate.
Me For me it was like choosing the iPad or Kindle Fire. I chose the Kindle because, despite certain things, it was the best way to go for the money and I'm a diehard Apple fan. We all have to make value judgements, and that doesn't mean approval or acceptance. It's about what will work.  In my old age, I've learned that it is important to be pragmatic and prudent.

So if he wants candidates worth voting, he should consider doing the following:
--Become a candidate himself.  We currently have the left and the far right covered.  We're missing center, center right and center left.  (Americans will never go to the far left on principle.)
--Start another political party.  See above.
--Become an activist and start lobbying politicians and educate the public that change is necessary.
Basically, the point is:  
People need to be a part of solving of a problem or effecting change.  Their inaction or apathy makes them part of the problem.   I don't care if they're marching in protests once a week or engaging in laptop activism.  At least they're doing something to make it better.

Help someone register to vote....

I did!

It was interesting.  It was a conversation with someone about the state of politics today.  Then I mentioned that they should exercise to their right to vote. 

This person didn't even know who was running for president.  I said, just remember -- the black guy is President Obama, and the white guy is Mitt Romney.  You want to consider Obama as your guy.

This person asked, why?

As a student with student loans, and still under your parent's health insurance, a Romney government would change a few things about your loans and your ability to have insurance.  Since this person was also worked for one of the theme parks here in Orlando, they do have access to insurance, but their parent's plan is a lot better.

This person said that they have never voted before. 

Well, I said, turning to my laptop, it's easy.  I found the Orange County Supervisor of Elections website, clicked a few buttons, and the voter registration form appeared.  I even said I'd give them the envelope and stamp for it.

It's important to exercise the right to vote.  Many people in many countries, including ours, have fought and died for the right to vote.  It is one of the few ways we can legally have a say in the governance in our nation.

And if you can help someone to register to vote, especially in Florida, it is important.  Especially since our worthless governor, has instituted voter suppression tactics.  (Thank god the Republican Party is in the process of writing him off!)

15 September 2012

James Taylor Sings "Romney & Bain" ("Fire & Rain" Parody) - Jimmy Fallon

A Vagina Monologue

It's my body....  Hers, rather....

Wrong Direction's "Disclosure" - A Full Frontal Freedom production


A parody of New Directions "Beautiful", a commentary on Mitt Romney.  Well, the guys are doing what they can for the cause....  Yum!

Thank you!

After getting my hair colored to hide the grey, massaged so my muscles are relaxed, had my traditional hot pot meal, and had as much Bud Light as I can stomach,  I'd like to say:

Thank you all once more for the birthday wishes whether by email, Facebook post, text or phone call. It means so much to me knowing that you all are, in one form or another, part of my life. Especially for an 40-something that still looks and sometimes acts like a 20-something! Love and hugs to you all....

14 September 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me!

No on 8


Wow!  I didn't know this stuff was going on in my home state! 

06 September 2012

Hot Pot In Orlando


I liked the atmosphere.  The food is great, though not quite what I'm used to, from Hong Kong.  I miss Saan Gam (Puffed Tofu Balls), Kobe beef, and salted fish skins with my hot pot.

But I've learned to enjoy the dining experience for what it is, as every restaurant, every city, and even ingredients are going to be different.

Navigating politics with friends on Facebook can be tricky

Dear Abby,
I have this friend that habitually posts stuff on social media reflecting his personal views.  Isn't social media supposed to be social?

Dear Unfriended,
Read this article from the Orlando Sentinel.  Click on the link to read.
Navigating politics with friends on Facebook can be tricky

(Drew's note:  I'm trying to be cute about such an unpleasant topic.)

02 September 2012

Have an opinion....

Just have an opinion, and not be afraid to voice it, right or wrong. If it gets shot down, it gets shot down. If it turns out to be an inspiring rallying cry, then it does. And just like performing, it's hard to talk about one's feelings out loud, so be supportive, even if you don't agree or understand. It's OK. We as a society need to recreate that space where one can voice their opinion freely, without the world converging upon them and suffocating them because they don't agree.

30 August 2012

The Newsroom - Tea Party is the American Taliban

I refuse to be bullied by people who claim to act in the public interest, when their actions and words are contrary.

Tea Party detractors call Tea Partiers 'Tea Baggers'.

What's amusing about this, is in gay slang, it means eating the ejaculate out of a condom.  So, the junxtaposition of something nasty being associated with something that is considered nasty is hilarious!

America Isn't The Greatest....

Click and watch and learn.

Ryan, why must you lie?


29 August 2012

Respect? Where is it in this election from hell?

Where is our sense of national pride?  It seemed it went out the window about 4 years ago, but its roots go further than that.  I'd say 24 years ago....

We might have not liked them, but we respected Reagan, Carter, Ford and Nixon.  Despite all their individual misgivings, out of patriotism and American pride, they were respected.

Then it changed.  People needed change....  So, this fiasco started with Bush Sr, and continues to go downhill from there, as our country evolves and our politicians and lawmakers are either in denial and fighting it, or are paralyzed from making consensus to be a true government by the people.

From a societal train of thought, I'm thinking that people need a government more in tune to them, whilst there's a huge faction that is fighting to keep things were like 40 years ago, so-called "traditional American values".  Those traditional values have changed, but it seems there are hangers-on.

We need to move on as a people, and figure out what those commonalities are, and go from there and create a new way, a truly American ethos.  While we must respect the tradition that is "The American Way", we must also accept the reality that the nation is changing in many ways.  There is good change happening, but we're not working together to fix the bad changes or the bad things about our nation.  It makes me sad that bloc politics is going to tear this nation apart.

We will never see civil war in the traditional sense as we are a 'civilized' people, nor will we see an 'American Spring', until people are tired enough of the games that are being played in our government.  Will that time be now?

I believe that until all parties decide that it is pointless to fight each other and it is finally time to work for a common good and purpose, we will have a government from hell, with politicians from hell, with legislation from hell.

Until then, respect will not return....

Romney/Ryan makes me puke!

The delusions that Romney/Ryan have, disgust me.  They and their party have refused to take responsibility for their part in the fiasco that is our government, yet they preach that they are the solution?    

The two of them just need to go away!

27 August 2012

Bite me, Romney....

You blame the President for our political issues?  When it's your party that's causing all the drama!  Karma is a bitch, sir, and it won't be kind to the likes of you and your party.

This article from the BBC should remind you how ridiculous this truly is.


26 August 2012

All my rants, political and otherwise....

Have been moved onto this blog.  I've decided that due to the election and my strong opinions, I will voice a majority of them here, instead of Facebook.  I want to keep Facebook social and not a major turn off by those who 'friended' me.  So, there you go.

25 August 2012


If the GOP is going to play games, then they need to be more transparent, and not sneaky wimps.  If they're going to play dirty, let's not disguise it, just be frank about it.  We'll hate you for it, but at least we know where you stand.  The fact I posted this video in this post 4 times, can you tell I'm being a little emphatic?!? 

NEW Romney-Ryan LIES about Medicare & Welfare reform! - Last Word

I love liars....  Not!  Since when did the GOP get into the business of lying?  Since the dumbasses of the tea party entered the political arena in this country.

Romney & Ryan's GOP: Back to the Back Alley

My body....

....my rules


I think the Tea Party needs a major rethink... Watch this

The Best Takedown Of A Tea Partier Came From The President Of Ireland

21 August 2012

Dr Pepper Always One of a Kind Commercial

My inner monologue, in the form of a Dr Pepper Commercial

19 August 2012

I gotta be me!

I have to share these lyrics....  It's being featured on a Dr Pepper commercial at the current moment.

Whether I'm right or whether I'm wrong
Whether I find a place in this world or never belong
I gotta be me, I've gotta be me
What else can I be but what I am

I want to live, not merely survive
And I won't give up this dream
Of life that keeps me alive
I gotta be me, I gotta be me
The dream that I see makes me what I am

That far-away prize, a world of success
Is waiting for me if I heed the call
I won't settle down, won't settle for less
As long as there's a chance that I can have it all

I'll go it alone, that's how it must be
I can't be right for somebody else
If I'm not right for me
I gotta be free, I've gotta be free
Daring to try, to do it or die
I've gotta be me

17 August 2012

Who I do business with?

As long my money and I are welcome, I will do business with you, as long as you treat both with respect and dignity.

However, I will not do business with those who show blatant disregard to their vendors, suppliers, and customers, like WalMart.  (However you will see how I contradict myself with them.)  I will not do business with those whose politics are shoved down people's throats, like, Domino's and Chick-Fil-A.  Or treat their employees with blatant disregard to the law and/or actively discriminate, allegedly like Cracker Barrel.

WalMart is an interesting case study.  I am forced on many occasion to do shop there, despite the crappy customer service and at times less than desirable clientele, as I -- and most of my neighbors -- have to make the budget stretch and make every dollar count.  The great thing is many of their products are made in the USA, which I try to support my nation's factories, or what's left of them.  The bad thing is what's not made in the US, is imported from other places where their workers are exploited and mistreated AND WalMart forces all their vendors to sell to them at razor thin margins, so they'll only make money on volume alone AND they try to circumvent the law.  You see those trailers in the parking lots?  Since the merchandise in the trailers isn't in the store, it is not officially inventory, so therefore, they don't pay taxes on it, until it does finally get in the store.  All for cost savings. 

The factory workers overseas are another topic of discussion I'll save for later writings.

Anyway, as long as they don't hurt me or piss me off, I'm good with doing business with everyone.

16 August 2012

Nothing lower than a used car salesman?

I've come to believe that most politicians, specifically Romney and Ryan, and even my beloved Obama, whom I didn't support at first, have lowered themselves to a level even LOWER than a used car salesman.

I've come to believe that politicians no longer have the regard to their position their predecessors had.  Instead, this honor to serve the people is abused to serve their own interests, big business, and mob rule.  There are a few, like Alan Grayson, that truly care.  But knights in shining armor like Mr Grayson are few and far between nowadays.

I'm tired of the bloc politics that the Right has created, so legislation that could have helped the country and the world is stalled because they're acting like a bunch of babies when the other side tries to reach out to them.  I'm tired of my own Left for not fighting back hard enough and seeking and fighting hard to reach consensus. 

I'd say to fix the system, we need to get rid of the electoral college so the vote can truly represent the will of the people.  We need to adopt a parliamentary system so that dissenting and diverse voices can be heard, without the constraints of the party line, hopefully making reaching consensus easier.

We need a serious change in how this country is run.  What will it take to get many people, who are sick and tired of this bullshit, get others to realize the system isn't working the way it's supposed to, the way the Founding Fathers intended? 

The Occupy Protests are a start, but people like myself are afraid of upsetting the Status Quo, in the event that our valiant efforts have failed, and facing the repercussions.

I'm hoping this post gets passed around, and people think about these points I have pondered, and ask themselves:  What can I do to be part of change?

Politische Amerikaner

Today's Facebook post:

I've decided that I will exercise restraint in sharing political stuff, unless it seriously moves me to do so or the orgs that I 'like' post it on my page. I know who I'm voting for and why, to share that with people to the point of shoving it down their throats is wrong. I understand that by not doing so, may do a dis-service to the causes I believe in. However, quite frankly, since we hear this stuff on TV, read it in the media, I want to enjoy my social media outlets more without adding to the political drama and angst that many people I know have. After November, it will be back to Status Quo, whatever that may mean.  I just find the tones and the tactics used in the past 20 years to be conduct unbecoming to those who wish to serve the people and their interests. What started out as a mere annoyance to me, has become a major irritant. So, I've opted to, unless I am moved to speak, not become a party to this crap that has become American politics.

However, I will post my thoughts and share stuff on my blog, so if people really cared about what I thought, they can come here.


13 August 2012

I don't care

My not caring is not indicative of my work ethic, how I'm feeling or state of mind. I am choosing to detach myself in order not to drive myself or anyone around me crazy in this messed up world we live in.

08 August 2012

I'm feeling a bit evil....

I'll give you what you want, but I'm going to make it hurt first.

Wow!  A not so subtle way for a government to tell its citizens to breed!

(Just in case you don't see the video in the blog entry.)

06 August 2012

The kids

Small Business Owner Rant

A couple days ago I got eBay feedback from some buyer telling me my shipping and handling fees were too expensive.

I feel that they are fair, as unlike other eBay sellers, I don't nickel and dime them or 'rape' them over the coals.  The amounts I charge cover:  Postage, packing materials (though I do recycle, there are things I still have to buy), my time, my gas.

We sell items on razor thin profit margins, not for my benefit, but for the customers.

So as a reminder, small businesses:

--Are not like markets in some third world country, where one can bargain and try to force the seller to sell at a loss, like this Temple Street Market, Hong Kong, Market Outside the Market deal

--Are NOT a charity

--Are NOT banks

--If we do have problems staying in business, there is no government bailout for us

So, there you go.  Part of my response to this person was:  We run a small business, not a charity, and therefore have to make business decisions that aren't going to please everyone.

I mean really, how much did they think it actually costs to ship a 16oz bottle of liquid latex weighing 24 ounces from Florida to where their sorry ass lives in California?  Seriously. 

Hopefully after blocking this buyer from doing business with us again, they'll get the picture that small businesses may deliver a good bargain, we still have to make money to stay in business so that they can become repeat customers. 

05 August 2012

Some people give me gas

Just spent a lovely afternoon with a co-worker who has been there for a year.  She was quite the bitch, quite frankly.  Got her to back down, but she was still a bitch.

Sorry your experience has been less than magical.  Sorry you're experiencing culture shock.  Co-workers being mean and nasty like you were to me today?  I totally understand.  I went through it too, for my first six months.  And you know what got me through?  Caring managers that wanted to get me to know my fellow co-workers and vice versa.  After time, they became part of my work family, and I would hope theirs.  They saw that I was not such a prick after all, that I worked as hard as they did, and even more.  Especially when the stockers called in sick, and left me with 17 palettes of stock to put away by myself.  I did it mostly myself, and even had time to clean and help stock the floor.

Get over yourself, learn some humility, shut the hell up, and stop being such a bitter bitch.  You haven't been with the company long enough to be so bitter and angry.  Me on the other half, have a lot of reasons to be that way, but since I'm kinda perpetually stuck in the 'responsible person' role, I try not to let it show, even though people are now seeing I'm being worn down by all of it.  But that's another blog post for another time.

In time you will get to understand and appreciate your job for what it is and what it isn't.  No, I'm not asking you to go on autopilot and not care.  Just let whatever issues you have go, and enjoy the ride.  Some of it will suck, some of it will be great.  But it will be rewarding and memorable.

Had to vent.  Thank you for allowing me to do that.

04 August 2012

I have hypospadias. 

It's a birth defect.

I knew I was different in many ways.  I didn't know how different this really made me.

I found out about my condition on a TLC show, learned what the treatment was in Wikipedia.  It explains a lot more about me than what I thought I knew about myself.

The treatments mostly begin in infancy, and try to be completed by the age of 5.  There are additional surgeries to correct issues, that include removing scar tissue.  I look at the scars on my body, and realize, they had to do skin and bone grafts, and my left arm looks like a junkies.  In fact, my veins are collapsed in my arm, they've had to start putting IVs in my hands many years later.

This condition has affected me in ways I didn't realize.  Everything from intimate encounters to something as simple as using the toilet.  It's affected me mentally and emotionally.  For a child that didn't know any better, the treatments, the surgeries, etc. is like being abused.  It's a major source of my insecurities --  emotionally, mentally, intimately.

I function like every other guy.  I have a healthy intimate life.  It works like those of other men.  However there are somethings I have to do differently, concealing them lest there are rumors going around.

One of the things that suck that this condition affects size, however, I am not micro.  (I know my dad and brother are way bigger than me.)  Even if I want to, this condition has rendered me almost infertile.  I get constant UTIs, that I am so accustomed to, I don't know when I am getting them.  They are confused as NGU's whenever I seek treatment.

They say 1 in 250-300 boys are born with this condition. 

I say that to my fellow friends -- gay and straight -- that have this condition:  You are not alone.  There are others that have underwent what you went through.  It is not embarrassing.  It is not your fault, nor anything your mom and dad did.  You are not alone.

Why Working for OP sucks ass, Part 2

(7/4/2012:  I thought that this was published, unless people bitched about this and had this removed from public view.  I am reposting this as a reminder that I do not appreciate being screwed with.  And yes, I do understand how unprofessional this is and what kind of fire I'm playing with.  But I will not be censored.)

Or, This isn't over yet....

In the past year, I have been awaiting communication from them as far as my future with working with them. Obviously, they have heard my opinions loud and clear, and have told a third party that I will not be working with them, based on my online rants and criticism.

I fully expected it, as posting such criticisms would get me in trouble. However, I did win, since they heard my opinions about the subject at hand.

Sorry that they have fragile egos, for such arrogant attitudes towards their jobs and dealings with people.

I shall begin by saying these things:

In order to be a world class organization, you have to have to have world class people thinking about the big picture and the details that go into it. They have neither. They try, but do not listen to criticism or constructive feedback, and blame others when their way doesn't work. The lack of ownership or pride in their work is disgusting, as they do not learn from their mistakes. Rather they bandage it up or totally ignore it for a number of insane reasons. Their leadership doesn't enforce accountability, or even endeavor to create standards, resulting in people running around reinventing the wheel, not learning from their mistakes, doing their jobs with no guidance or feedback until something goes terribly wrong, and a bunch of people thinking that they are the best and making decisions without consequence to the results.

If this organization is indeed a family, then why, prey tell, do they treat others -- the unpopular, the unknown, the new people, and the people they hire on a contract basis, all of which is otherwise known as the outsiders -- like they're not. What results is a lot of miscommunication, lack of transparency, and the efforts of the outsiders to do their jobs effectively is undermined. The outsiders are reminded on a constant basis that they do not belong, and they are not part of 'the clique', where they are often excluded in participating on decisions that affect the way these people do their jobs. What a total hypocrisy!

These people have no respect for their jobs. Even though it is totally none of my business, without saying too much, don't cancel meetings because you want to visit relatives, go shopping, or change your flights, whatever. Don't abandon your boss, because you don't respect or want to hang out with him. Seeing that, shocked me, as it shows total disrespect to him. When one travels for business, one can have fun, but remember, first and foremost -- do your jobs!

And to the one that was abandoned: You could have two people hanging out with you, to drink, comisserate, and have fun. But you pissed off at least one of the two people so badly over the years -- me -- that I no longer trust you or wish to be seen in public with you. I can tolerate working with you, as long as you treat me with respect and allow me to do my job. I have a list of issues with you so long, almost as long as my grievances with your team, since most of those involve your team.

So I return to the conversation at hand. So, Vicky, really, did you have to send a third party, like your former boss, to send me the bad news? You really should have written me a letter and solicited a response from me before you decided to 'sack' me. Seriously, I wasn't fired, because I never was offered the job in the first place.

Todd, sorry, we didn't talk any more when we last saw each other. You should have requested, to my face, an audience with me. Not pussy footing around and sending messages through a third party. You had a year to say anything additional that you had to say. Not my problem, not my fault. You have my email. You know how to get a hold of me.

To the organization I have insulted and heavily criticized: You had it coming. Your undermining tactics have my attention. Though I hoped that my online attacks would force you to see things, I see that you all are reticent, in seeing the error of your ways.

I end this with the same curse to Vicky, Todd, Canda, and Ashida:

Until you do right by me, everything you think about is gonna crumble.Until you do right by me, everything you even think about gonna fail.The jail you plan for me is the one you will rot in.Everything you done to me, already done to you.-- Miss Celie, The Color Purple

This isn't over yet.
Sorry I've been gone for a while....  Just had to chill out for a while.