02 November 2012

I need a hero -- NOT!

I am not looking for 'heroes' in this election. I am annoyed at the thought that there are politicians seeking office wanting to be the heroes, and those who want to bill them as such. They are human beings, supposedly wanting to work for the public good. Need a hero? Look into yourselves and find real people that have made a difference in your life and others. It could be your mom, your high school English teacher, someone who believed in you when all the cards were stacked against you, a doctor, your best friend, your child/pet.... It could even be you.

Parallels to country's racist past haunt age of Obama

CNN: Parallels to country's racist past haunt age of Obama
 (click link to view)
I've been pondering where all the political animosity the past 5 years has been coming from.... While the issues are complex, this makes a compelling argument that though we individually deny this is happening, perhaps unconsciously and unintended, it persists whether we like it or not, and therefore one of the issues at stake. And part of why high drama is so pervasive in our political landscape today. I firmly believe that in order to move on as a nation, we have to let a lot of stuff go and forgive and reconcile. This doesn't mean turning our backs on the past, it just means in order to move forward, we have to acknowledge the past and remember it so it never happens again.