30 September 2012

A baby shower cake

I have no idea how appropriate this cake is for the occasion, but its funny! Thanks Kristen!

Halloween Glut

So driving around town, I noticed that there were at least 8 Halloween stores within a 5 mile radius. That doesn't include my shop, Target and Wal-Mart, and all the arts and craft shops. And there's 2 Spirit Halloween stores within 3 miles of each other.

I understand that the Halloween industry is a $13 billion industry. But this is overkill. No one is going to make the dinero people think they are going to make.

21 September 2012

A joke

I noticed driving on I-4, that people can't center their cars in the lanes. Instead, they tend to drive towards the left side of the lanes. Does this mean they are left-leaning?

(insert moan and throw tomatoes here)

20 September 2012

Facebook post

Here's something I posted on Facebook today:

Just helped someone register to vote. Remember that we all need to exercise our voice to get the government we want and speaks for the will of the majority.

Here's a conversation that ensued.  It wasn't good or bad, it was voicing frustration at the system as it is, and the importance of holding on to the ideal that voting is important.

Person PLEASE show me a candidate worth voting for instead of the lessor of two evils.
Me  Until the state of American politics changes, it will continue to be the lessor of both evils. Until things change, we, regardless of our beliefs, must use our vote and voice, to start a conversation about the direction we, collectively as a nation, want to take.
Person Drew, I agree with you to a point, However, I have always felt that to vote for someone is the same as me saying I approve of them. I cannot even begin to say I approve of either candidate.
Me For me it was like choosing the iPad or Kindle Fire. I chose the Kindle because, despite certain things, it was the best way to go for the money and I'm a diehard Apple fan. We all have to make value judgements, and that doesn't mean approval or acceptance. It's about what will work.  In my old age, I've learned that it is important to be pragmatic and prudent.

So if he wants candidates worth voting, he should consider doing the following:
--Become a candidate himself.  We currently have the left and the far right covered.  We're missing center, center right and center left.  (Americans will never go to the far left on principle.)
--Start another political party.  See above.
--Become an activist and start lobbying politicians and educate the public that change is necessary.
Basically, the point is:  
People need to be a part of solving of a problem or effecting change.  Their inaction or apathy makes them part of the problem.   I don't care if they're marching in protests once a week or engaging in laptop activism.  At least they're doing something to make it better.

Help someone register to vote....

I did!

It was interesting.  It was a conversation with someone about the state of politics today.  Then I mentioned that they should exercise to their right to vote. 

This person didn't even know who was running for president.  I said, just remember -- the black guy is President Obama, and the white guy is Mitt Romney.  You want to consider Obama as your guy.

This person asked, why?

As a student with student loans, and still under your parent's health insurance, a Romney government would change a few things about your loans and your ability to have insurance.  Since this person was also worked for one of the theme parks here in Orlando, they do have access to insurance, but their parent's plan is a lot better.

This person said that they have never voted before. 

Well, I said, turning to my laptop, it's easy.  I found the Orange County Supervisor of Elections website, clicked a few buttons, and the voter registration form appeared.  I even said I'd give them the envelope and stamp for it.

It's important to exercise the right to vote.  Many people in many countries, including ours, have fought and died for the right to vote.  It is one of the few ways we can legally have a say in the governance in our nation.

And if you can help someone to register to vote, especially in Florida, it is important.  Especially since our worthless governor, has instituted voter suppression tactics.  (Thank god the Republican Party is in the process of writing him off!)

15 September 2012

James Taylor Sings "Romney & Bain" ("Fire & Rain" Parody) - Jimmy Fallon

A Vagina Monologue

It's my body....  Hers, rather....

Wrong Direction's "Disclosure" - A Full Frontal Freedom production


A parody of New Directions "Beautiful", a commentary on Mitt Romney.  Well, the guys are doing what they can for the cause....  Yum!

Thank you!

After getting my hair colored to hide the grey, massaged so my muscles are relaxed, had my traditional hot pot meal, and had as much Bud Light as I can stomach,  I'd like to say:

Thank you all once more for the birthday wishes whether by email, Facebook post, text or phone call. It means so much to me knowing that you all are, in one form or another, part of my life. Especially for an 40-something that still looks and sometimes acts like a 20-something! Love and hugs to you all....

14 September 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me!

No on 8


Wow!  I didn't know this stuff was going on in my home state! 

06 September 2012

Hot Pot In Orlando


I liked the atmosphere.  The food is great, though not quite what I'm used to, from Hong Kong.  I miss Saan Gam (Puffed Tofu Balls), Kobe beef, and salted fish skins with my hot pot.

But I've learned to enjoy the dining experience for what it is, as every restaurant, every city, and even ingredients are going to be different.

Navigating politics with friends on Facebook can be tricky

Dear Abby,
I have this friend that habitually posts stuff on social media reflecting his personal views.  Isn't social media supposed to be social?

Dear Unfriended,
Read this article from the Orlando Sentinel.  Click on the link to read.
Navigating politics with friends on Facebook can be tricky

(Drew's note:  I'm trying to be cute about such an unpleasant topic.)

02 September 2012

Have an opinion....

Just have an opinion, and not be afraid to voice it, right or wrong. If it gets shot down, it gets shot down. If it turns out to be an inspiring rallying cry, then it does. And just like performing, it's hard to talk about one's feelings out loud, so be supportive, even if you don't agree or understand. It's OK. We as a society need to recreate that space where one can voice their opinion freely, without the world converging upon them and suffocating them because they don't agree.