30 January 2013

Why write my own posts?

There are times where copying and pasting articles, photos, graphics, Facebook statuses, etc. are a lot easier than to actually come up with my own material.

It's like using song lyrics or movie/film/play quotes to describe what one is thinking or feeling.

If I can find something that shares my sentiments in a form that is accessible to the people that read this blog, I'll share it.

Besides, it breaks up the monotony of the readers of this blog from seeing my writing all the time.  It makes it interesting and fun.

I'm not being lazy, I'm using and sharing my resources with everyone.

Choose a path

Pick a road. Life can get away from you quickly. Like a leaf on a bustling stream you can be taken down a path not of your choosing. Don't let life become what happens to you as you drift along. Be the chooser of your destiny, the captain of your ship. Make choices: small ones, large ones, bold ones, safe ones. Pick. Choose your road. The living is in the choosing.

Justifying and Defending

Justifying and Defending. When we do wrong, when we behave in a manner that is inconsistent with that which we believe to be right, honest, and forthright....we know it. But, many times we are guilty of justifying and defending our position because we would rather do anything than admit a misstep. Be better than that. Admission, genuine contrition and a willingness to commit to do better where possible are always a better choice than justifying or defending.

28 January 2013


"Balance. Some think the only path to success is throwing yourself at one area of your life or one endeavor. Others think they can somehow manage to give 100% to all areas, as if they can somehow make 900% out of a 100% pie. Having tried both those paths, I can share this: balance is the key to happiness, to success, to sanity. If you manage to be 100% focused and present in every area of your life when you are spending time on it AND you make sure NOT to neglect all areas (because they really are all necessary), you will find life to be quite wonderful, indeed."

With wages, only a handful getting richer

With wages, only a handful getting richer

This Orlando Sentinel article makes me burn red in anger about the state of the economy in Orlando, and how it should in theory, be better for us, but instead perpetuates a circle of badness that is hard to break away from.

And after making this discovery, still nothing is really being done about this? While businesses that rely on tourism continue to grow, what about wages for the people that they rely on to make it happen? It's sad that while Florida state minimum has risen to uh.... $7.79, many people in the tourist industry, unless they have been at their jobs for ages, are barely making much more than that. So, how does exploiting the labor force with low wages help the economy grow and improve the lives of those it supports? I myself, at times, feel like a victim of slave labor, though my co-workers and I are constantly reminded we do actually have it better than the lot that work for our competitors. Seeing our insurance premiums rise, our wage increases decline, and a bunch of 'incentives' that really don't do anything but benefit the company by lowering their costs of hiring, don't really help us. It creates a nasty cycle of exploitation and dependance.

Yes, we can continue to focus on the good.  But we must continue to focus on what we can do to make it better for everyone that lives and works here.  Especially those who make their living off of tourism.

Yes I can leave.  I'm young and healthy enough to do that.  In fact, I outlined my escape plan in an earlier blog post, and those plans are very much in play right now.  But why should I?  Other than the stupidisms that make working for these people and serving stupid tourists unbearable at times, it's actually a fun job.  However, the fringe benefits don't outweigh the negatives. 

If the negatives weren't so negative, I'd continue working there until I die.

26 January 2013

Just a thought

Those who are excellent employees, are just that.  Those who can't, end up being our managers.

With that being said, it's a sad state of affairs when your management exemplifies incompetence and doesn't inspire confidence in helping you do your job.

The Plan

My escape from a not so great work scenerio is in play.

Promising myself that I will be out of there by July 18, my anniversary date.

Plan A: Transfer to another department. This is in play.
Plan B: Transfer locations. Change work status to make myself open to other alternatives. Also in play.
Plan C: Contingent on Plan A. Try to get a management position and test the waters for viability and feasibility.
Plan D: Quit outright, take chances and go job hunting.
Plan E: Start doing research, start job hunting now.

PS to that idiot that calls herself a leader: if you have issues with me, then have a private chat with me. Don't appreciate insinuations I didn't do my job properly, when I was clearly accommodating you. Don't appreciate it when you bring a third person in the equation, especially when I haven't seen or heard from said person in weeks. I lost any respect I had left for you today. You are one of the many reasons I want out.

25 January 2013

A note about detachment

Detachment. We use so many technologies and excuses to detach from one another, from the people, things, events that really matter. "I'll catch him on Facebook". "I'll tweet my thoughts". "I just sent her a text yesterday". "I saw the birthday photos online". "I'm so busy with...". When you reach your end of days, will those wedges, excuses and barriers be as hollow and meaningless as they seem right now, strung together? Then do something about it. Commit to re-connect, personally, with all those people that you've allowed to become shadows and ghosts in your everyday wanderings.

23 January 2013

The Courage of Honesty

The Courage of Honesty. We oftentimes think we are doing best by avoiding speaking openly and honestly with a friend, relative, partner about actions they are taking, hurts they have caused, feeling we may have. We come to believe that by avoiding the discussion we are sparing feelings and avoiding arguments and difficulty. In actuality, we are accomplishing two things, both negative. We are prolonging the inevitable: problems persist and grow when left unattended. And we are denying a relationship based on truth with that other party. Real bonds come form tough times as well as good ones. Love is strengthened by hardships and choppy waters. To appreciate the great moments, navigating the tougher ones is a must.

"Honesty does not always bring a response of love, but it is absolutely essential to it."
Ray Blanton

Is it time for me to exit stage left?

I have this gut feeling that I will be forced to make a few decisions about the forest I am in very shortly. Out of self-love, self-preservation and my sanity. Thank you in advance for your love and support, as I seek the forest that will be my 'nirvana'.

I think it's time to leave a job that I've had for almost 11 years in various capacities and positions.  While it has been one of the best things I've done, it is definitely time to do something else.  

I've had bad times with this company, like when I first got there, adjusting to a completely new work environment that I've never experienced before, being told no too many times for a job I've always wanted to have, to an area manager trying to get me ousted from the role I was in, for no specific reason, to name a few examples.  Those challenges were overcome.  However, in the past month, I have hit a new low.  I feel that for everything I've done, I'm not getting the rewards I had hoped to receive.  I feel used and abused, for minimum wage, not so ideal benefits, and not much else.  Plus working in both a work location AND a department that has become more and more dysfunctional by the day, does not inspire me to be all that I can be.  Nor does it give me incentive to continue to remain the legendary persona I spent years building.

If I wanted to have a work environment like this, I would have stayed in Hong Kong, duking it out with the people I was working with. 

We'll see what tomorrow brings.  If it brings what I think it will bring, 18 July 2013 will hopefully be the first day of the rest of my life. 

It's time. 

Those young 'uns!

Oh my.... I am officially an old man.... When my massage therapist and I are complaining about the "younger" generation....

(Not to worry, folks, they keep me young, for which I am grateful. Even if I'm old enough to be their dad! hahaha)

AP Mobile: NZ to eradicate pet cats? Purr-ish the thought!

AP Mobile: NZ to eradicate pet cats? Purr-ish the thought!

AP News - NZ to eradicate pet cats? Purr-ish the thought!

There are other ways to practice conservation than to resort to telling people how to have pets. Yes, responsible pet ownership is a part of this puzzle, however, this guy needs to think this out more throughly. As a cat -- and dog -- owner, I am offended at his suggestions.

2 minute bathroom breaks?!?

AP MobileChinese workers revolt over 2-minute toilet breaks

Really? Rushing a #2 to fit a stupid time frame can lead to hemorrhoids!

GLBT Pride In Uganda

This has nothing to do with being brave,  It's all about asserting one's right to live as they are without fear.  My best wishes for a positive outcome and my hopes that the Ugandan government comes to their senses and not pass anti gay legislation.

Positive Intentions -- Facebook Status Update

Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the one who takes care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most? Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and Help me. Sometimes just because a person looks happy, you have to look past their smile and see how much pain they may be in. To all my friends who are going through some issues right now--Let's start an intention avalanche. We all need positive intentions right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy and paste this status to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. You have to copy & paste this one, no share button, because kindness is a effort given from the ♥ not the press of a button. 

(From my friend David Hsieh, thank you for sharing this so I can do the same.)

16 January 2013

Thoughts on Civility

From a friend.  I wish other people would realize how important having this is in order to have a good conversation or debate.

Civility. There is a big difference between presenting your reasoned opinions in a public or private exchange of ideas and using words to belittle or insult another. First, you must understand that another's opinions are as valid to them as yours are to you. Second, you must realize that belittling or insulting another says more about you than the person it is being done to. Third, intelligence is not accentuated by verbal cruelty; rather it proves the lack thereof.

14 January 2013

One of my demons

One of my demons. I have fought this one all my life. For the most part, I have won, but there are times in my darkest hours, where this demon visits.
Wisdom dwells within us, it seems to me, but finding that wisdom requires efforts that are often painful. All my life, I have defined myself by my relationship to what is exterior: people’s opinions of me and the various forces to which I have been subjected. For a very long time, the endless sessions of self-criticism and denunciation—which I find so difficult to forget—kept me from being myself.
 From:  The Secret Piano: From Mao's Labor Camps to Bach's Goldberg Variations
by Zhu Xiao-Mei, Ellen Hinsey

Why I'm an actor

And this is one of the main reasons why I'm an actor.
When I play, I try to speak to people, to tell them something, to show them the beauty of a work, to move them. Having an audience is crucial for me. Some of my fellow artists assert that they play for themselves rather than for an audience. I take the exact opposite approach: my goal is to share with others.

From:  The Secret Piano: From Mao's Labor Camps to Bach's Goldberg Variations
by Zhu Xiao-Mei, Ellen Hinsey

05 January 2013

China requiring people to visit their aged parents

How a society treats its aged....  It would be interesting to see how this law would go over in Western countries.  It seems that the more 'advanced' and 'developed' a society is, the less the elderly are valued.

Article: China Requiring People to Visit Their Aged Parents

A Thought

The Cat Commandments

My cats adhere to this....  My pug thinks she's a cat....  

Woof woof!

For my canine lovers out there.

The Latte Boy

I have no idea why this came to mind right now....  I guess it's because at one of my jobs I make lattes for a living?