06 February 2011

Zombie Drew

Me on the set of a Full Sail production. I was playing a zombie that got his head shot off. Alan did the prosthetic makeup on it, as well as the head that actually did get shot. I hear that shooting 'my head' was pretty interesting. The first shot, the guy missed. The second, the guy hit my chest, but not affecting the body double in the least. Finally, I got shot in the neck, and my head went flying off. I can't wait to see the footage, both raw and edited.

A month without Palin?

Apparently February was proposed to be a "Month Without Sarah Palin".

However, she's telling us on the centennial of Ronald Reagan's birthday, that we as a nation, are going in the wrong direction.

There's evidence that the former President was suffering the initial stages of Alzheimer's. Palin, like her idol Reagan, are delusional.

She needs to learn how to talk, thinking first then speaking. She needs to learn how to make her words mean something to the right people, and not her fans. That cunt might not go away, but at least she can be intelligent while playing the part.

Now that the world is distracted....

With the Egypt debaucle, and my blood pressure has gone down.... I can retract my angry statement "A good Republican is a dead one."

I just am amazed at the ineptness and ignorance that the GOP operates under. The original GOP stood for the exact opposite of what they do now. Look at Lincoln. But he was assassinated, so I guess, that was where the shift in ideology began.

Now they're cutting federal departments whilst keeping the Congressional budget intact. And in the same token, they're probably going to keep their federal health benefits, while they try to destroy the health reforms we fought for.

If successful, it will be the health care industry that benefits, not the John and Jane Smiths that depend on accessible medical care to keep them alive and maintain the quality of life they need to continue to contribute to helping our country recover and grow.

But I digress. So what do the changes do our Republican lawmakers do for John and Jane Smith? Though I concede in advance, they will do some good, I believe they will not be helpful for what our nation needs. They will be fighting tooth and nail to perpetuate partisan politics and totally go against what most of them have pledged to do.

Like I describe guys who like to flaunt their social conquests, they are all talk and no go. And the GOP is no different.