31 December 2010

My wishes for 2011

As I sit at the Apple Store, waiting to see someone to help me fix my hard drive issue that I created, I thought I'd sample the Mac Book Pro by writing a blog entry....

My wishes for the New Year:

a) I can finally find a job that is financially and professionally rewarding, and I feel like I am an active contributor;

b) However, I need the patience to wait till April to figure out which path I must follow;

c) I need to figure my way out of the financial disaster that NOT getting the OP gig created;

d) I need to figure out how to stimulate my inner artist, until I can get the hell out of Orlando;

e) Start writing sketches and short stories more often;

f) Not be afraid to speak my mind about things, though people think I'm way too candid and opinionated already;

g) Temper the above with the skills to be empathetic, diplomatic and tactful;

h) Get the hell out of my current job at WDW, and do something different, whether it is actually staying with the company, OR leaving completely;

i) Find constructive ways to motivate myself towards fitness and weight loss, and help Alan do the same;

j) Humble myself and be more grateful for what I have, and not be regretful about what I don't.

2010 really SUCKED for me, as you read my blog posts. I pray that 2011 will be tons better all around, for me and everyone else in my world.

Happy New Year everyone!

Universal Orlando

If a Team Member, by the name of Grant tells you to shut up, and you report it to guest relations, what actually happens?

My visit to USF was less than stellar. We both wanted to see the new Harry Potter experience. Took us 3 hours to get into the area, then to discover that it will take another 90 minutes to actually ride the ride. Fucking liars!

Grant was the rude motherfucker that told us to shut up, wouldn't try to solve the problems, and added "If you came back after the weekend, you wouldn't have this problem." That's not the point, dumbass, but you had it in your mind that you didn't care about another guest bitching about their experience.

The butterbeer soothed my anger a bit. Yum!

It reminds me of why Disney does things so much better.

20 December 2010

To my friend Kate Singleton

My dear Kate, my heart breaks at the news. You were called home way too soon. However, I am glad that you were part of my life, and am grateful for all the support you gave me. Hoping you're at the eternal coffee shop attached to a grand theatre, having a latte and basking in the afterglow of your debut on the celestial stage.
I will miss you, like many others. I regret playing the coffeehouse tag we've been playing throughout the years, though we both understand that we were going through our own personal dark periods, had other priorities, and moving on in the quest for survival. Dammit, I still owe you a cell phone!
This isn't good-bye, we'll see each other in the next life, where perhaps we'll be cats enacting the feline version of Cats. I had hoped that we would work on a production or two, but that's what the afterlife is for.
My love to you, sweetheart.

12 December 2010

From the Dalai Lama

Today, the values of democracy, open society, respect for human rights, and equality are becoming recognized all over the world as universal values. To my mind there is an intimate connection between democratic values, such as transparency, the rule of law and freedom of information, and the fundamental values of human goodness.

10 December 2010

LXB/Liu Small Wave Tribute

This by far, one of the more memorable photos from 2010.

Liu Xiaobo's empty chair, along with his award and metal. His picture is in the background.

Instead of a speech, actress/director Liv Ullmann read from one of his writings:

I have no enemies and no hatred. Hatred can rot away at a person’s intelligence and conscience. Enemy mentality will poison the spirit of a nation, incite cruel mortal struggles, destroy a society’s tolerance and humanity, and hinder a nation’s progress toward freedom and democracy. That is why I hope to be able to transcend my personal experiences as I look upon our nation’s development and social change, to counter the regime’s hostility with utmost goodwill, and to dispel hatred with love.

The Central Government referred to LXB's award as a farce, its awarders clowns, and is delusional in its belief that the world supports this, when in reality, 16 countries ultimately chose to support the Chinese boycott, probably out of fear of what the Central Government would do with relations between them and affected countries, and as not to offend the Central Government.

The Central Government needs to learn these lessons: a) the more you yell and scream, the more you make jackasses of yourselves. Are you trying to learn techniques from North Korea?; b) they are bullies that cannot tolerate dissent, even though it is part of the Party principles; c) the world is watching, so learn to play fair with the world and your people, and d) the sooner you realize that you are a bunch of hypocrites and liars, just like you accuse the west of being, the faster you can correct your mistakes.

I write this, hoping that this will make it through the censors when people search through this seemingly innocuous blog post, they will be able to read the truth, and not what the Central Government wants them to think.

I have no problem with the Chinese. See my Facebook page, filled with friends and people I have worked with in the past. I have issues with the Government and the people who have the power and control.

04 December 2010

Is Wikileaks right?

In light of Wikileaks, I say this:

We as a nation of individuals deserve to know the truth, and demand transparency, but at what cost?

I think at the risk of damaging relationships between diplomats and the countries they service, leaders and their PERSONAL opinions being aired, state secrets being revealed, intelligence gatherers risking their lives to get such information, I think it is too high of a cost.

There is a reason why such things are state secrets, why personal opinions should be held as confidential information, and why certain things should never be aired in public view. Wikileaks undermines trust, credibility and relationships. It's ridiculous that one should seek transparency at the cost of such things.

Yes, the truth shall set us free. However, there are certain things best left unsaid, or better yet, kept secret. In this case, it is an excellent example how ignorance is bliss.

The fact that servers, PayPal, DNS sites, governments, etc., are cutting off this organization is a message, loud and clear, that such sharing of information is dangerous and irresponsible. Just like those who demand accountability, Wikileaks should be held accountable for their actions. Let's emphasise how it endangers relationships, people, and governments by such reckless divulging of information. It's like telling a husband telling his wife that he has a life altering secret. It is definitely something one doesn't discuss unless needed.

After the smoke has cleared, perhaps this will do the world some good. But the cynical part of me thinks that it won't solve the problems the world is currently trying to solve, rather, it will make matters worse because of the air of mistrust will be so severe, it will take years to undo the damage this has caused.

Here's food for thought....

Central Government, take heed. You must stop thinking that your way is the correct way. It is every nations' business to make their neighbors accountable for their actions, it is not just solely your internal affairs.

From Reuters:

Rights abuses show China will not be a true leader: sources


The Bear Wit Project - Blair Witch Parody by the Muppets

28 November 2010

My current inspiration

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

--Invictus, William Ernest Henley

26 November 2010

Thanks, but no thanks.

Just found out that Ocean Park sent me a service award for 5 years of service. Fuck them. Why do I want something that I've earned, but is from an an employer who has no respect for me? I think I'll break it in pieces and send it back.

25 November 2010

Thankful for these people

Yesterday, I named names of those who wronged me. Now, I'll be naming names of those who made the difference in my life during the same period. Another reason to love teachers.

Michelle Timmerman. A good woman who taught me the goodness of people. She, in my mind, was a saint. She embodied patience, love, understanding, empathy, and caring.

Walt Waitman. He wanted to make sure that I could achieve my full potential. He knew that I could be someone if I applied myself.

Ronald Ott. He gave me pride in my ethnicity, and non white. I felt like a nephew in his hands. He was tough, but he was fair.

Dorothy Rosenburger. If I had listened to her, I would have had my career as a performer a lot faster than I am. She believed in my abilities as a perfomer. I wish I had listened to her.

Rex Martin. The one that propped me up during my elementary school years. At times, it felt like he was my only friend. His encouragement and genuine caring made the rough times bearable.

Norman Charouhas. The first person that realized I was gay. He recommended that I read, The Front Runner, by Patricia Nell Warren. I didn't know the book was about two runners, who just happened to be men, who loved each other. I actually have the Virgo sign tattooed on my right shoulder as a remembrance of that book.

Jock McLaughlin. The one that told me that I could be a powerful force if I could get my reading and speaking skills to sync together. One of the assignments he handed out was to decide which was more horrific, the murder of 6 million Jews or the systematic murder of 6 million Native Americans. I answered 6 million Jews. But after a few years had passed, I realized that I had failed the lesson. I had missed the point: Both were systemically eliminating peoples and cultures, just because they were different. I caught up with him, and told him that. I hope that it pleased him that I got the point.

Nancy Johnson. The person who helped me through coming out. She put up with my shenanigans and falling asleep in class, and was supportive.

Juli Jaffe. The person that inspired me to become a journalist. (Why I'm not is another story, and has nothing to do with my emotional state.) The person, at great risk of her job, defended me to the death when I came out.

So I am thankful that these men and women where there for me, and taught me what I needed to learn to be a better and stronger person. While they couldn't stop the bullying, they gave me the tools to be a successful adult.

Thank you so much. I will never forget you. I will always love you for the difference you made in my life.

24 November 2010

Bullied after all this time

After watching tonight's Glee, I should have sued the Lake Washington School District 22 years ago. I was paralyzed in pain, as Kurt's pain was coming out, mine exploded in the form of painful memories. I knew at that point I could have stopped harassment based on race, gender, sexual orientation in its tracks.

I am traumatized, still, from the harassment and bullying I endured during my years of hell. And I am naming names, as many as I can remember. If you find your name come up in this blog, as you search for your name on the internet, read and I hope you're happy to see your name in a negative light. Because you fucked my head up so badly. I really hope you can live with yourselves, since you almost ruined someone's life.

The weight gain -- and the inability to manage my weight, the low self-esteem, the feeling I was never good enough and that I always had something to prove. Or even depression and second guessing. How about living a life I thought would make people like me? Forget what I wanted. As it is human nature to want to be loved and accepted.

Oh yeah, I'm as strong as nails, and I act like I don't need anyone. But deep inside I am battle worn.
By speaking out, I am no longer a victim. I am asserting my right to tell my story and join others in their fight against bullying, starting my journey towards healing myself. I never understood until the past two months what my unresolved issues were. Thanks Anderson Cooper for making me realize what they were.

I remember when I was 6 years old, my mom let me walk home from school for the first time. I was so proud that I didn't have to be picked up every day. Bob Green chased me all the way home, pelting me with rocks, calling me a dirty Jap. I tried to hide in the bushes, but Mrs Sorenson chased me out, not caring that I was being bullied. From that point on, I was teased for being different, since I was one of the few families of color in my neighborhood. No one did anything to make it stop. That bastard Bob Green harassed me all throughout high school, along with his sidekick, Bryce McCabe.

In Junior High, I had more enemies. People took advantage of my gullibility and lack of street smarts to keep me down. Tyler Kopet, David Rose, Alf Hauge, Marc Brunner (the only one that I managed to beat the shit out of), Erik Eastlyn, Patrick Morton amongst others, were the more memorable ones. I also staged an attempted suicide attempt because I was screaming for help, but I didn't know at that time why I needed help.

Then I went to Lake Washington High School, where Tyler and Bob followed, but there were others: Kathy McGrath, anyone on the cheerleader squad, Jon Gentry, another Bob (who carried on like a neo-nazi asshole). Stephanie Helms was the reason I quit band, sharing music with her was unbearable. When I came out on TV, the attacks came at me in full force. Almost expelled by Mr Kovats, attacked by Al Van Troba and Doug Chapple behind my back in the teacher's lounge, while an assistant principal who could have saved me, just stood back in horror.

Ms Hee, the last time I saw you, in 1993, your eyes told me you were sorry. I never told you I forgive you. I knew your back was against the wall too. Two teachers, a Ms Jaffe and Mrs Johnson, got me through the last 9 weeks until graduation.

A few months before I came out on Seattle TV, facing excommunication from my church (at that point, I went Born Again), I contemplated suicide, because a dear friend came out to me, and at that point, I realized that I too, was gay.

To Al Kovats and Al Van Troba: Fuck you! You had the power to defend me, and protect me, but you failed miserably. Mr Van Troba gets another F-U for the crap you made me go through in Junior High, just because you could have put all the teasing to a stop, BUT you kept telling me that it was all my fault. NO, IT WASN'T YOU FUCKING BASTARD! IT WASN'T!!! You had the power to stop it. You failed me! I hope that is something you can live with, and explain to St Peter why it was justified. Hypocritical Christian values at work!

Mrs Jan Yuli, who told me I was a spoiled brat. You stupid witch, I hope you rot in hell. Had you known about the abuse and the bullying, you'd feel so much differently. But I never knew not to expect empathy from you.

So, yes, it does get better, and I rose above it all. After I came out on Seattle TV and graduated high school (see my April 18th blog post), I tried to block out all the memories, all the hell and horror I endured. I did many things with my life: fight for the rights of gay and lesbian youth, went to school, became a performer, traveled, and other things I never thought I would never do, or was told I was not capable of doing. I have a husband with two cats living a suburban life, fulfilling job/s, and done most of the things I wanted to do with my life. I am happy with my life. Except for one thing....

I want justice for all the crap I endured! I want justice.

I should have sued when Kovats and LWSD violated my civil rights as I was coming out, rights I never knew I had. I should have sued for the harassment I encountered. I should have taught the Lake Washington School District a painful lesson.

Every student has the right to learn in a non violent environment. Every student has the right to feel safe. LWSD failed.

And I'm paying the price.

19 November 2010

A slap in the face


There you go Sarah, you idiotic intelli-cunt! The only way you're going to get the presidency is if you actually focus on creating policies and committing to fair and responsible government INSTEAD of divisive and extreme politics and shooting your mouth off needlessly. You may come across as knowing a lot, but at the end of the day, you're the epitomize a bad politician -- full of hot air with no substance.

Populist ideas, my ass.... You are what happens when people let the mob rule -- Amerikan political extremism at its worst.

From Twitter's CEO

dick costolo

Dear Chinese Government, year-long detentions for sending a sarcastic tweet are neither the way forward nor the future of your great people.

18 November 2010

So, what does this mean?

I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been....

Can you guess what song that's from?

12 November 2010

Updated Social Contract

Please note: I will be in the process of deleting people whom I don't have regular contact with, or who have not contacted me in a long time. So, please don't be offended if you find yourself deleted. You can always send another friend request. Also, new verbage is in italics, since this social contract is a work in progress.

Since I just added and deleted friends, and there are new things happening in my life, here's a friendly reminder of how I work on Facebook and other social media.

I will subject you to all my opinions, and welcome your feedback as long as it is CONSTRUCTIVE. I normally do voice my opinions freely in the online forums, such as this, and should be able to feel some sort of 'safety' to do that, with minimum repercussions for doing so.

If you find what I post objectionable, you can delete that particular comment. If you find everything I post is objectionable, you can 'un-friend' me or, make everything I post invisible. I won't take it personally, but I will not censor myself either. I also reserve the right to do the same.

In return, expect me to give you the same constructive feedback on whatever you end up posting. In other words, don't dish it out, if you can't stand the heat. However, in true Drew style, I will be as tactful, diplomatic and kind as I possibly can whist doing it.

Because of that, being a 'friend' on Facebook and Twitter -- sorry, no MySpace -- is conditional, though I care about and love everyone equally.

Because of that, I WILL NOT confirm/accept you if you were an employer, past or present. That includes all aspects of my life, as a WDW Cast Member, an Ocean Park Manager, a professional actor still in retirement, a legal clerk for several law firms. I will also tend to shun those who have fallen in some sort of disfavour from my past and present, for whatever reason.

To be more specific: I WILL NOT confirm you if you are in some way connected to Ocean Park, certain performers, actors and staff being the EXCEPTION. I WILL NOT confirm you if you are a manager I work for/worked with at WDW, and if you become one, expected to be 'unfriended', in order to maintain a sense of professionalism, since we can all be held accountable for what is said on social media.

However, friends, co-workers that want to get to know me better, relatives I want to stay in touch with, and strangers (who aren't stalkers or freaks) are welcome to request to be my Facebook 'friend'. However, strangers, you must tell me WHY you want to friend me. Blind requests are no longer welcome, and will automatically be ignored.

I will not report anything that is 'personal', unless A) it violates professional confidentiality (refer to the Cast Member Code of Conduct book you got during Traditions, or violates the non-disclosure clauses of various employers) B) It poses harm to yourself or others, or C) violates the law, or is part of potential criminal acts. And I expect the same from you.

I do hope this will be clarify my position of why I am very selective when confirming 'friends', and open things up to more open communication.

And as I make more friends, expect to see this note every once in a while as a reminder to all about how I work.



A thought

I have turned into the person I did not want to be. Those who are close to me will understand this, and so will my bitter and angry brother.

03 November 2010

My election opinion

In a trend that follows the elections in Australia and Great Britain, our elected government is split.

My comments on it all:

Sarah Palin is an intelli-cunt. She will never be a leader, because all she knows how to do is to stir up the pot, and not actually lead and provide solutions. She shoots her mouth off, like a brainless blob. And she is the face of the Tea Party, though not part of it. However, I give that bitch credit for saying that our government isn't working the way it is, although using extreme politics, rhetoric and playing on insecurities is not how I'd play.

I hate the Tea Party. They play on the fears and insecurities of the American voter in its extreme, and taking the Republican party further to the right. Which wouldn't be a bad thing if it splits the party into two, making the Republicans more moderate -- and to me, a much more palatable option.

The American voter, for the most part, wants instant gratification. Well, they got the government they wanted. Good luck in achieving that goal, because it really won't happen, since most of us haven't realized that hard work, playing nicely with others, and selfless dialogue will make the process go so much faster.

I pray that Obama will be able to overcome this obstacle to make effective and realistic change, and make my fellow Americans and our government realize that change will take time, and not take place within their concept of a time table. It will happen, but not when they want it to happen.

My post election sentiment

‎"We were suffering the postcoital depression that comes from figuring out the only thing screwed in the recent past was the country." -- Linda Ellerbee, And So It Goes

31 October 2010

My election plea

I live in a country where instant gratification an entitlement, rather than a pleasant surprise. Change is a process, not an event. It took 8 years to fix the wrongs of the 80s, it took 8 years to undo the progress done, and it will take as much time to get back on track. All I can say is, consider long and hard about derailing that process, and be realistic with one's expectations.
Sarah Palin is an intelli-cunt poseur. She is not well-read, not an expert on anything except creating drama and shooting her mouth off. She plays on the insecurities of the people, giving them the idea of such immediate results are part of the American Way, and something to fight for. The Tea Party is so disillusioned with the status quo, they will do just about anything to get such instant gratification and blaming the current president for all the problems, when he just inherited them. Obama is trying to keep true to his promise, but it doesn't help when people have unrealistic expectations.

These people are deluding themselves, thinking that by going to extremes, that they will get votes. And yes, they will. Unfortunately, my fellow citizens have not realized that mob rule doesn't get anything accomplished fast.

We all need to be reminded that by hard work, playing well with others, sacrifice and creative and innovative thinking, we will get the government we want AND the results that we need.

29 October 2010

From the Dalai Lama

It is important to distinguish between genuine humility, which is a type of modesty, and a lack of confidence. They are not the same thing at all, although many confuse them. This may explain, in part, why today humility is often thought of as a weakness, rather than as an indication of inner strength, especially in the context of business and professional life.

28 October 2010

What Hong Kong needs to do to be a World Class City

I've been home a week now, and I have had time to reflect on what could make Hong Kong better for everyone; the people that live there, the people that visit, and the expats that choose to make Hong Kong their home. This is based on personal observation, and nothing scientific.

I remember the first time I came to Hong Kong in September 2005, working for Ocean Park (see previous entries about how much of a pain in the ass it is to work there), and I was completely impressed. It was in part modern, reaching towards an uncertain future due to the handover back to the Central Government, but so steeped in tradition and the past. I commented to a taxi driver, who loved anything Filipino, spoke great English, who told me, "Wait until you have been here a while, you will see a side of Hong Kong that isn't so nice. It is nice for you because you are a Westerner, but wait until you see what it is like for the people who live here."

Since then, I started to realize that that taxi driver was right. In the past 3 years particularly, I have started to realize a few things. All this made me conclude, that Hong Kong is a modern city with its share of problems and issues they must address.

So here's the laundry list:

Media needs to be transparent. What we see/read in the English press is not what the typical Hong Konger would see in the Chinese press. We don't get to hear about the drama, or if we do, it is often sugar coated, so it doesn't appear as bad as it is. We want to understand what's going on and be part of it.

The Hong Kongers need stop using language as a weapon of exclusion. It is sad when employers have to prove that being able to read/speak Chinese is a requirement of a job. Why not do what Singapore does, and make English the medium of commerce, education and government, and use that as the MAIN language? I'm tired of being called names in front of me, when I know damn well what they're saying. I'm tired of being told that speaking English is fine, but people speak in Cantonese in front of me, and not including me in the conversation, is a major issue for me. Not only is it rude, it is counterproductive for any interaction.

Speaking of exclusion, due to the large expat community, both white and from other Asian countries, there should be more efforts to include them in daily life. Sha sha tangs and hot pot restaurants should have bilingual menus, after all we should be able to order anything, anywhere, and enjoy probably some of the best cuisine Hong Kong has to offer. It took me years to finally remember the word, but I would love to be able to tick off Tofu Balls on the hot pot order sheet, rather than have to ask: "Lei yao mo san gan?"/Do you have tofu balls (or golden thread tofu balls)?

Stop the widespread discrimination for those expats who are non-white AND the non-Chinese resident population. After all, the Indians and Pakistanis, most of them were born and raised here, their ancestors were brought by the English as their servants and labourers. The Filipino, Malaysian and Indonesian nannys, maids, domestics deserve better respect and a decent living wage. Though it is the law, profiling based on ethnicity is another way that government perpetuate official harassment, and make it quite clear that WE DON'T BELONG HERE, even though the expats pay Hong Kong taxes, and are an intregal part of Hong Kong life.

Everyone needs to learn how to treat everyone equally. Because of my 'Asian' face, I get treated better than my white friends. Until I open my big mouth, then I get the same treatment, as they. And the 'local' price versus 'tourist' price is just plain WRONG. I've gotten hosed a few times over this, it doesn't feel so great, and makes me go to other places to shop. I think I'll do my shopping in Sham Shui Po, where the hawkers are more fair with the prices.

Making conditions better for the Hong Kongers. Get a minimum wage. Build more public housing, and improve the estates that are falling apart. Make cage houses illegal. Tell Bowtie to get a clue, after all, he doesn't want to suffer the fate of Marie Antoinette, since he said to a professional couple in 2009 about the lack of affordable housing in Kowloon: "Move to New Territories, then." Fix the air pollution problem as best they can. Improve access to mental health services for everyone (refer to my post about the guy killing himself).

The citizens needs to stop being apathetic and take advantage of their rights under the Basic Law, asserting themselves before those rights go away. They should fight the Central Government to make sure their rights are protected and the Basic Law is observed on their part. The infighting in LEGCO is not for show, there are people that actually care about what happens, who cares if they just happen to be politicians. They need to take responsibilities to insure their democratic way of governance is protected for the benefit of the HK, and not the Central Governement.

Teach the children morals and ethics, as they don't understand that if you lie to save face, and get caught, everyone loses face. Teach them to learn on their own, encourage independent thinking, and make them understand that cheating is bad. Make them learn responsibility for their actions. They need to learn the benefits of collaboration for the good of the whole.

Take pride in your cultural heritage. Stop tearing things down to make more office buildings or car parks. Otherwise, there won't be anything of the past left for locals and tourists to appreciate.

I'm glad that there are helpful people around. But, don't hide behind the language or cultural barriers in order to not help. We need your help sometimes. Because of this, I have had to depend on friends to help AND/OR be more prepared in order to do something simple like order from a menu. It can make living here difficult for someone who's not used to being independent or doesn't know their resources.

Hong Kongers need to stop being so self-centred and absorbed. I understand it is very Confuscian, to stay to themselves, and look out for their own survival and self-interests, in order to save face and maintain social order. But really, forcing the SPCA to take their pet because it doesn't match your decor, or you don't have time to take proper care of your pet, is that right? Or is it necessary to push and shove your way to the front of the queue, just because you're in a hurry? It is not just about you.

Trust me, I STILL love Hong Kong. It has so much to offer, and so much potential. I love the friends I have made, the things I have been able to do, and the food I've been able to eat. People may think I'm whining, and I should get over it, because it is another country and culture. Since Hong Kong professes to be a world class city, it needs to be called out on the stuff they need to fix. However, they need to get out of the tunnels to see the world as it really is.

22 October 2010

RIP Sony Walkman

You were an big part of my life. You went everywhere you were allowed to be: school trips, runs through Bridle Trails State Park, paper routes, and you even went to bed with me, my first bedfellow. I will remember you, especially when I watch popular movies made in the 1980s.

I will keep your memory, as you were my first technological love, a testament to the genius of technology of the time. Thank you for being there. I shall miss you.

(Chopin's Death March playing on my iPod Classic in the background.)

19 October 2010

In requiem

Alan and I were in Causeway Bay checking out office space, and we were having a discussion over how to proceed, when all off the sudden we saw someone jump and land on the balcony.

What is weird is Alan and I lived in that building in 2006, and that person landed on our part of the balcony. And the paramedics had to access him through the apartment in which we lived.

I'm not sure how I feel about seeing someone die. It's different than in the movies, as I am an actor, portraying a few death scenes myself.

Part of me is saddened that someone felt that this was the only solution to whatever is going on in their lives. It does get better. However, it takes time.

Part of me is sickened that while the onlookers looked on in disbelief, no one called 999 (the emergency number).

Part of me is bewildered that there were people here looking at this as a form of cheap entertainment. Myself included. It was like reality TV live. And I wanted to tell the news crews what it looked like. It was like death was trivial.

Part of me keeps wondering, if I was still living there, and actually had to see the body land on my balcony, how would I feel?

This was the first time I saw someone die in such a manner. It's different from watching it on TV or in the movies, or even reading about it.

Life isn't trivial. It's the act of existing in this world and everything in it, physical, spiritual and everything in between. The tangible and intangible. Perhaps it's oversimplifying things, but to describe in in 30 seconds or less, it's a decent working definition.

16 October 2010


Have you ever been at a party, though welcome, you should have never accepted the invite? Tonight was that night for me, and it makes be VERY IRATE that myself -- and a few others -- are in the situation we're in now.

We went to the Zombie Crawl, an Ocean Park traditional party. Saw some actors, said hello. Tried to look thrilled to be there. Tried to have a good time. Couldn't. It made me so fucking angry that I royally got fucked over. I couldn't be happy. I was upset. Pretty damn upset. Then I got pissed off.

I saw one of the people who took over my position. Even though he is considered one of the 'good guys', I was colder than ice to him. Man Chun, you bitch, now you know the hell I go through year after year. Good for you.

What really pissed me off was one of the assistant makeup artists told me that this was the last year for our company. Why the hell did she have to tell me this?!? That totally fucking ruined it. Fuck you very much Grace. I had to leave. Went to the Flying Pan and had myself a damn good double bacon cheeseburger.

I will make my voice heard somehow in a manner that will make people hurt. Don't know how, but it will happen. Ocean Park, you have no idea what the wrath of Drew will bring. Fucking bitches and hos.

15 October 2010

Links to my Hong Kong photos

So, here's the Facebook links to some of my albums I've posted during my trip to Hong Kong. You don't have to be a Facebook user, and I've made these public. Copy and paste, since Blogger won't actually let me link these addresses.

Tai O:

Lamma Island: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=297062&id=674140449&l=e160365ce8

Happy Valley Racetrack: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=297339&id=674140449&l=268b899845

The Tram Party: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=295761&id=674140449&l=cfcead2037

Lamma Island

Pics from our trip to Lamma Island. Beautiful island. Had a lot of fun!

'Who' knew, right?

My friend Brit with someone who looks like Matt Smith from Doctor Who.... Taken outside of the Happy Valley Racecourse in Hong Kong.

09 October 2010

No food and drink on the MTR

I love Public Service Announcements in Asia. Whether or not it's print, billboard or TV, it's simple, to the point, and entertaining, albeit a bit preachy. Like these pics I took on the MTR, the subway in HK.

Tai O

Pics from our trip to Tai O. A traditional fishing village about 30 minutes from the airport on Lantau Island. Pretty cool to walk around to see houses on stilts, and lots of metal housing, smelling the sea air and fish drying.

Happy Ending.... I think not!

Since I got here, my back has been hurting so bad. The last time it hurt so bad, was in 2005, before surgery. I didn't get much sleep last night, it was REALLY bad.

I was considering getting a cheapy intro massage somewhere. Coincidentally, I was at Temple Street, trying to get shop inventory and finish Christmas shopping where I was approached by a chick asking me for massage. I went and did it. Hell, for less than $15, it was a deal.

She was good, hit the spots that I needed to get pounded out badly. She even walked on me. But what ruined it was when she asked if I wanted an oil massage. In Asia, when your masseuse asks you if you want an oil massage, chances are is they're trying to get you off to get a bigger tip. Then she asked me to turn around. I KNEW IT! She's trying to get me off.

Girlfriend kept playing with my crotch. I asked her to stop, "No one touches that except my mother and my wife. Those are the only two women that are allowed to touch me there." She cut it short by 30 minutes.

I paid her. Then she asked me for a tip. I left her a 25¢ tip. She demanded a larger tip. I said, "I don't think so. You shorted me 30 minutes AND you tried to wank me off. That's all you're getting." I left dignified, really pissed, but my back feeling much better.

08 October 2010

From the Dalai Lama

Press Statement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Liu Xiaobo Being Awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize

by Dalai Lama on Friday, October 8, 2010 at 7:03am

I would like to offer my heart-felt congratulations to Mr. Liu Xiaobo for being awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

Awarding the Peace Prize to him is the international community’s recognition of the increasing voices among the Chinese people in pushing China towards political, legal and constitutional reforms.

I have been personally moved as well as encouraged by the efforts of hundreds of Chinese intellectuals and concerned citizens, including Mr. Liu Xiaobo in signing the Charter 08, which calls for democracy and freedom in China. I expressed my admiration in a public statement on 12 December 2008, two days after it was released and while I was on a visit to Poland. I believe in the years ahead, future generations of Chinese will be able to enjoy the fruits of the efforts that the current Chinese citizens are making towards responsible governance.

I believe that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s recent comments on freedom of speech being indispensable for any country and people’s wish for democracy and freedom being irresistible are a reflection of the growing yearning for a more open China. Such reforms can only lead to a harmonious, stable and prosperous China, which can contribute greatly to a more peaceful world.

I would like to take this opportunity to renew my call to the government of China to release Mr. Liu Xiaobo and other prisoners of conscience who have been imprisoned for exercising their freedom of expression.

October 8, 2010

From another Nobel Peace Prize winner....

I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for one self, one's own family or one's nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace.
--His holiness, the Dalai Lama

Congrats to Liu Xiaobo!

Mr Liu has won the Nobel Peace Prize. However, the Central Government has its own opinion.

"Liu Xiaobo is a criminal who has been sentenced by Chinese judicial departments for violating Chinese law," it said. Awarding the peace prize to Liu "runs completely counter to the principle of the prize and is also a blasphemy to the peace prize."

The Central Government can go fuck themselves. They will not get away with silencing those who peacefully fight for political reform in China. They seriously need a reality check. The concept that they are 'convinced by their correctness of their thinking', is a delusion.

Congrats, Mr Liu! Hopefully by your award, things will start changing in your country.

06 October 2010

My new hair color

Had to fix it. It was screwed up. Much much better. The color I really thought I was getting.

Why working for Ocean Park sucks ass

Think of this as my version of grievances Martin Luther nailed to the cathedral door.

Dear concerned parties,

This is my feedback regarding the operations of your company. Since you have never cared about what I have to say, I post this as a list of why working for your is unpleasant. I understand that this could put future employment prospects in question, but I am entitled to voice my opinions.

After 10 years, the standard operating guide should have been written to insure continuity and a basis for quality control from an operations perspective. Instead, everything changes year to year and is not consistent.

Though I acknowledge that I am in a different culture, I hardly think it is appropriate to lie, stretch the truth, or engage in deceptive tactics to save one's face. In fact, the group all loses face if it is discovered that this is the case. And to say it is a language or communication issue is fucking bullshit.

By not placing capable and competent people in decision making positions. This does a grave disservice to the operation, as it wastes time, energy, labor and money to correct those mistakes.

Ineffective management techniques. No enforcement or support given to people that actually do the work. Especially when people refuse to take responsibility for their mistakes, bad judgements, and not following instructions.

The decision making processes give little thought as to how things are to be implemented and the effects of the operation. Which come across as arbitrary.

The office atmosphere that is more like a kindergarten than a professional office.

There is an incompetent wardrobe department. The company could have saved more money by firing these idiots, than to fix their mistakes.

I see a lack of emphasis on guest education: what to expect, what not to expect and how to behave. Enforcement of rules and a more visible staff should help.

Also existing is the lack of cooperation and communication between departments.

The department leader doesn't care and is detached from aspects of the operation, especially staff performance and conduct.

Lack of training of those who support us, like the make up support staff, ADs, and escorts. I resent the fact that information is never shared with my colleagues and I, or worse yet, ever communicated to us.

Transparency and open communication does not exist between segments within the department.

The department has inability to adequately respond to the needs of the following groups: support staff, performers and guests. Changes are made to benefit the convenience of the management and public perception, rather to than to be proactive and actually research/investigate and solve the root problems.

The inability to retain staff for the future. This leads to recreating the standards set from the previous year, and a lack of consistent practices.

Finally, there is a lack of respect towards the people that are hired to assist you to create a successful event. I don't appreciate backstabbing, being lied to, the game playing and other unprofessional behavior. You are worthy of my respect, I expect the same from you. Likewise, why should I show you face, when you blatantly treat me disrespectfully.

Offering alternatives or solutions are pointless, as you don't really care. After all, it is a business. But in order to survive, we need each other. We row the boat together or we all sink and drown.

Hong Kong Day 3

Well, last night they gang threw a surprise party for me -- yes I've known this for the past 6 weeks. We went on the Tram Party deal, and it was so much fun. So much drunken silliness, as well as getting time to talk to people I haven't talked to in a while. Plus I think there's a You Tube video of me doing the nasty with Carvel. Hey, at least it's not over trying to get someone fired for bad customer service.

For Part 2, we went to a hot pot place. One of my favorite things to do in Hong Kong. I love that stuff!!! More talking.

Talking to people last night affirms a few things:

Ashida is a stupid cow that hasn't learned anything. In fact, her ex describes our relationship in the context of Star Wars -- I am Obi Wan, and she is Luke Skywalker. The Padawan thinks she is a Jedi Knight, so she goes to the Dark Side to prove herself. She is digging a hole so deep she might as well hire someone to shoot her so she can die in that hole, just so that it is done and over with.

I am glad not to work with the baht po and pok gai in Ocean Park. I would have had to go ghetto on them and read them, school them, and smack a few upside the head because for the most part, have not learned anything, and are completely stupid. But I still miss fighting for the actors, and bonding and connecting with them, as well as learning more Cantonese.

I am convinced that me not being there was not just a money thing -- with my salary, they can hire 27 Filipino actors or hire 3 HK people to take my place -- it is also a political thing, in which I just happened to be one of the victims.

Not going to support my friends and followers is the quietest way to say Fuck You to Ocean Park. Otherwise, I would have to go ghetto and smack a few people. I'm also afraid that there are people that are loyal to me, they will start a few bits of drama in my honor, their way of giving me face.

That I must now figure out what will make me happy. One of the guys, who in the past has the reputation of being a hardcore dick, changed his tune. He figured out that whatever he does, he must do it for himself, and with his own passion.

Mike told me that I must make myself happy. I told him that as artists, that path is complicated, because nothing is ever simple for us, and change is a process. So we will see, when I return home, how I can implement this change for me. I have this gut feeling what it will entail, and I'm not sure it's a price I want to pay. But hell, I've been paying the price to ensure the happiness of others, when will it be my time? It will be fine, however it turns out. He will be one of those friends, pungyao, that I cannot ever forget.

I ended the night tipsy, a little gassy, full, and satisfied with how it went. Thank you all for making this happen for me. It was totally worth it. Hell the memories and the pictures were worth it.

04 October 2010

Funying Hong Kong

Well, I've been here for at least 36 hours....

Let's see, in Orlando, I chewed out United counter person because she was being an insolent bitch, dealt with lazy TSA inspector guy, TSA screener with really cute eye makeup, as if her job was one entire party. In Chicago, I got ripped off at money exchange. Completely hosed. Stupid me. I also got to experience the full body scanner. I felt dirty, and so criminal.

Got to Hong Kong. Trying to decide whether or not I should Airport Express it into Central and cab it to the hotel (HKD$100 minimum) or Cab it ($400 minimum). I bumped into high school girl from the US, completely lost. Exchange student in Vietnam, got into some trouble, mom made her come back. But after a discussion on the phone in Hong Kong, she was going to go back, but she only had a single entry visa to that country, and couldn't obtain one on Sunday, since the whole of China is technically on holiday right now. National Day/Golden Week, where they celebrate the founding of the People's Republic. Yeah, you know what I'm thinking....

Helped her out with stuff. Asked her to email me to make sure she was all right. Made myself available to bail her out of anything if she needed it. No email. Hopefully she's OK.

Then I went to gather food for our dinner. Was walking to Yoshinoya in Causeway Bay, and whole city blocks were blocked off by Hong Kong's finest. Apparently there was a series of robberies, initiated by security staff at a hotel across the street from me. Wow! But I did get to Yoshinoya, and got on the tram to Wan Chai to get siu yok (roast pork) from Hay Hay. Yummers.

Finally saw Alan. Woo hoo! Mouse and Kristen came over to say hello, caught up and ate.

Then I had the hardest trouble falling asleep. Overslept my 2pm massage appointment, and got holy hell from the tai tai running the place. But I did get my massage from #12 at Lifestyle.

Alan and I went to Temple Street and meet up with Laura, Mouse and Kristen at this one place we eat at. I love it for their fried tofu and noodles. The ladies love it for the seafood. We wandered around since I needed a belt (the ones at home are either too short or too long), a new iPhone case, and a watch (the one I bought in Wan Chai last year is having issues).

Got home, took a sleeping pill, slept for 6 hours, woke up, alert as an arrow. However, I guess I was acting like a slut in bed, mumbling nonsense and dreaming like I was Madonna in Like A Virgin. Walked to the nearest McD's, and got a double Egg McMuffin and hash browns. Now I'm typing, and watching BBC international. Love BBC, but nothing like Michael Holmes on CNN.... Now that's a guy I would love to convert to my team! Yum!

But I digress.

Later today, I think I'll run some errands, use the hotel gym, if they can call it that, meet up with someone, and get ready for my retirement/belated bday party tonight. Kinda scared about that, I guess people's goals are to get me totally shitfaced and drunk.... We'll see about that.... What kind of a guy am I???

01 October 2010

San Francisco says "It Gets Better!"

It will get better.

I got through my school experience. Though I have some painful scars that I still have to deal with, things did get better.

24 September 2010

Katy Perry- Hot N Cold with Elmo on Sesame Street

Too sexy? Too revealing? Like little kids are going to get it, after watching what mom and dad watches.

But I do have to say, it's a great lesson in learning opposites.

20 September 2010

Still More from the Dalai Lama

To the extent that our experience of suffering reminds us of what everyone else also endures, it serves as a powerful inspiration to practice compassion and avoid causing others pain. And to the extent that suffering awakens our empathy and causes us to connect with others, it serves as the basis of compassion and love.

More from the Dalai Lama

To develop a sense of universal responsibility - of the universal dimension of our every act and of the equal right of all others to happiness and not to suffer - is to develop an attitude of mind whereby, when we see an opportunity to benefit others, we will take it in preference to merely looking after our own narrow interests.

From His Holiness, The Dalai Lama

As long as we observe love for others and respect for their rights and dignity in our daily lives, then whether we are learned or unlearned, whether we believe in the Buddha or God, follow some religion or none at all, as long as we have compassion for others and conduct ourselves with restraint out of a sense of responsibility, there is no doubt we will be happy.

18 September 2010

Think Before You Speak

This is so important to teach our young people that this is not OK. This is one aspect of bullying and harassment that goes on in our schools regardless of race, perceived sexual orientation, gender, socio-economic background, etc.

To 40 and Friendship

Well, the earth is still rotating, I've not had the heart attack that I predicted I would have by now, people moving in and moving on, not bad.... So, nothing changed, except, I might have a few wrinkles on me, a few grey hairs. I'm a year older and a year wiser. Though I can see diminishing returns on the wisdom part, soon to come.

In Atlanta hanging with my best friend Mike. Trying not to get into trouble. We've known each other for 20 years. That's a long time to be friends. And who knew? Especially in the gay community, where alliances and friendships feel like it changes and dissolves at the drop of a hat. So we toasted each other. Regardless of all the drama that has gone between us, we will always do right by each other.

Friendships period are hard to come by. It's important to make sure that we do what we can to show we value them. It's not like last year's iPhone: disposable. Because once it's gone, you never know if you're going to get it back.

16 September 2010

Facebook posts from my bday

A sampling of stuff greetings from 14 September. Drew's big 4-0!

Drew Dalire Celebrating the 19th anniversary of my 21st birthday! Happy Birthday to me. Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone.

Marija Minić Happy birthday, Drew... I just left a message on your voicemail. Hope you have a great time celebrating and an amazing year ahead! XO

Sovanna Duong Drew - "Who's Coming to Dinner?" LOL - "Happy Birthday"!!! That's right... U are "Born To Be Asian"!!! - {I had to plug that in} - Hope all is well with you! "SuperStar"!!! - Miss you! - Woot Woot!

Julie Castronuevo Happy Birthday to You...You live in a Zoo....hahahaha Have a Wonderful Day Cuz!

Agus Sabaliauskas ahahah lol! your status is awesome! ahahah

May today be full of joy and laughter
May today be YOUR DAY

Grace Yuen Drew,H@pPy B!rThD@y & Wish You All The Best ^0^
How are you?? Miss you la .......HAPPY BDAY DREW! wish you have a great day! :)

Carvel Vam Happy Birthday!!!!!
May all the good things come to u!
See u in HK soon

Arthur Besnier Happy Birthday Mister Drew !!! cast member crew for ever !!!!

Paul Roocroft Hello my dear friend, Happy Birthday! I hope you have an AMAZINGLY AWESOME day and a FABULOUS CELEBRATION! I wish I could be in HK when you get here, oh well, maybe next time! Lots of love and big hugs and kisses!!! xoxoxo

Kimi Lau Drew Drew, happy birthday ar~~~wish you all the best and "san yat fai lok" heehee~~

Gobs Chan happy birthday. happy birthday to you. you are the funniest trainer ever :))) stay well! and hope to see you in HK soon

09 September 2010

A thought

I need a job promotion to justify my bitchiness and control issues.


07 September 2010

Thanks Cuz!

From my cousin Julie: "Oh and by the way...all my girlfriends think you are a hotttie...even the ones that knew you from the old neighborhood....hahahaha too bad soooo sad for them." I might be pushing 40, getting old and fat, but I can still turn heads, regardless of sex, darn it! Thanks to my dad, and his babe magnet genes!

A quote

"The forces of inclusion in America have always defeated the forces of intolerance. And they will defeat the forces of intolerance again." -- Eboo Patel on CNN

Burn the Koran? NOT!

If that idiot in Gaineville actually burns copies of the Koran on Saturday, what does that say about how our country views religious tolerance? After all, one of the tenets of why our nation and grew was created was because of religious INtolerance. Islam is not of the devil, ignorance and intolerance is.

And yes, it would endanger US troops in the Mideast. And what does that dumbass say on that? He did say on CNN, that he is sorry that that would happen. Fuck him!

03 September 2010

3 Sept 2010

One month till I land in Hong Kong, 13 days until Mike gets here and we can hang out for a bit. Can't wait.

As I reflect upon the past five years, I ponder where the hell I fucked up. I dunno. There's a lot going on in my mind. Did I make the right decisions? Should I have said things I said, done things I did, and all that stuff. Though I officially don't believe in regret, it's been apparent that there are things I should have done radically differently.

02 September 2010

Stage Directions article

I would have rather liked to post the link, but Blogger won't let me. Waaah!

Dressing Up the Actor
Written by Kevin M. Mitchell
Sep 01, 2010
Costumes, wigs, makeup—even underwear

Unless an actor is performing something like Equus, Hair, or The Full Monty, he or she may feel naked on stage even when they aren’t. But the makeup, costumes, jewelry—even underwear—all play a part in getting the actor in character. More importantly, they add to the drama or comedy that’s happening on stage. So where do you find that 1890s riding hat? Makeup that turns silicone prosthetics green? Support for that civil war-era hoop skirt? And what suppliers are especially theatre-friendly? SD did a survey and discovered there’s more to accessories than meets the eye—even if the audience’s eye doesn’t see it.

Period Corsets
Period Corsets is a company in Seattle that makes historic undergarments for theatres including corsets, petticoats and bloomers. “We’ve been in business since 1996,” says co-owner Becky Kaufman. “We started out as a costume company, but now we just focus on this.” She mentions that their unmentionables have recently been in the Broadway production of Mary Poppins. It was a special clothing item, and they sent the fabric to Period Corsets who created what they wanted to their specifications. A Santa Fe Opera production of Tales of Hoffmann did that as well. “A lot of people take our products and change them—they send us amazing bright fabrics to make petticoats.”

Another special project was for an overseas designer — the request was to install a small flat screen T.V. in a corset, which they did.

“We work with theatres on every level—community to professional opera,” she says. “We try to accommodate people’s budgets. Sometimes we have interns who make a corset we couldn’t really sell, and we’ll discount it for a smaller company that can’t afford full price.” But for those who do get their products, it’s a good investment she says because their garments are created for the theatre—meaning they are high-quality and made with many alternation points so they can be used over and over again for actors of different sizes.

They do have to be content that their artful creations are adding to the production even when they aren’t seen. “There was a touring Broadway production of White Christmas and we went to see it here in Seattle,” Kaufman says, laughing. “And we were trying to figure out which one was wearing our work!”

Mallatt Pharmacy & Costumes

“We’re getting a lot of requests from people who are doing musical classics,” says Karen Brown-Larimore with Mallatt. “We’re getting a lot for Cats, for instance, where people are experimenting with makeup trying to recreate the Broadway show. They are sticking with cream makeup, but doing special orders with wigs.”
She says she’s seen a trend in request for accessories, wigs, and makeup from the 1920s,1930s and 1940s. “We’re getting requests for a lot of flapper wigs.”

Period Corsets supplied garments for the New York Metropolitan Opera’s production of La Sonnambula. Brown-Larimore is a costume designer by training, and says she’s often inspired to find and stock things that she herself is looking for in her productions. Her latest quest has been military and badges. “I just did HMS Pinafore, and I really wanted theatrical medals that looked different and real and that I didn't have to make myself!” she laughs. Now they stock a larger variety that aren’t plastic but aren’t expensive. She was very pleased with how her Admiral looked.

Mallatt has been looking at other important details—like buttons. Also, cotton gloves are important. “Polyester gloves, especially the longer ones, aren’t as comfortable.” Even facial hair has gotten attention, as they try to offer a big variety that looks great coming out of the package that you don’t have to spend a fortune on. (She does offer a tip though: “Always thin a wig. Almost every wig you want you need to have the hair thinned out right away to make it look natural.”)

“We offer 10 percent off to all theatre students, schools, and small theatres,” she adds. “And we have no minimums, so even if you need one container of eye shadow, we ship that off, and usually the same day.”

Graftobian Makeup Company

“Makeup today is being fueled by changes in stage lighting,” declares Janine Wardale, Graftobian Makeup Company. The more energy-efficient bulbs emit less heat and are good for the environment, but they are turning traditional makeup on its head. “Traditional makeup with new lighting will make people very orange. For that you need to have foundations that are not as pigmented as traditional theatrical foundations.”
Graftobian is based in Madison, Wisc., and has a store in Brooklyn, New York. In both locations they’ve found a greater concern about natural skin tone, she adds. Ethnic diversity of actors is demanding something other than the one-kind-fits-all as well.

“Some of the smaller theatres, even in the economic downturn, are able to install new lights. With these you need less makeup and it’s a case of less is more. There is still a need for character makeup, aging, ethnic base—still a need for mustaches and bears and wigs and all of that. But it needs to be done a little differently.”

A big trend is airbrushing, which is no longer for just the professional theatres. “Universities are teaching it,” she says. “Yes, the system cost money, but after that point it’s priced competitively. Airbrushing gives you some big advantages over cream. You don’t have to worry about cross-contamination. You’re not throwing away sponges.” It’s been especially great for theatres deadly serious about, say, their production of The Wizard of Oz where they are turning people silver or gold.

They offer an airbrush unit especially for schools and smaller theatres called the Walk-Around. It’s battery operated, and costs $300. “In five minutes you can airbrush an actor that would take 30 minutes to do with cream.”

Pierre’s Costumes

“I think a lot of people are doing adaptations of tradition works,” says Rich Williamson, president of Pierre’s. He knows tradition. Pierre’s goes back to 1876.

Based in Philadelphia, he says they get a lot of special requests, though about once a month they are asked to read a script and give their thoughts as to the costume direction. “We have had to read scripts to generate costume plots for newer shows like Kabuki Macbeth, Scarlet Pimpernel, Thoroughly Modern Millie and several original operas.”

The company has grown aggressively, having bought out 30 other companies in its history. With each business they’ve picked they gained not only in costumes, but knowledge. At one point he wanted to group items and label them but that proved impractical on several levels, as each theatre and production wants to be unique. “Theatres doing the same show don’t want to look identical."

He sees some productions paring down while others are ramping up with more costumes. “We’re seeing more double-casting, especially at the middle school level. That’s a huge trend. While more work for the director, from their perspective, it exposes more people to theatre.”

Pierre’s offers special theatre packages for nonprofit, school, and community theatres. “They can get a costume as cheaply as $2.32 a day,” Williamson says. “We’re very inexpensive, especially considering the quality of the costumes.” These days 60 to 70 percent of his business is out of state, and they supply 400 to 500 productions in every state every year. They even get last minute requests: “It blows our mind, but we’ll get calls two weeks, even days, before a production!” he laughs. “Maybe it slipped their minds, maybe someone let them down—but at that point, we’re heroes!”

Paron Fabrics

Paron Fabrics is a retail/wholesale store in the heart of New York’s garment district. Mark Glenn, vice president, points out that in addition to being open to the public seven days a week, there’s no minimum order. “You can buy half a yard of something or more than you can carry,” he says.

The store caters to a world-wide theatre clientele, working with professional theatre shoppers who work with costume houses and doing business on their website, www.manhattan fabrics.com . He says theatre costumes require fabric that takes into consideration not only how it’ll look on stage, but how it’ll hold up: Often the actors wearing them jump around, slide and generally abuse their clothes.

Special fabric is provided all the time for theatres around the country. Theatres will email pictures of fabrics for them to find, and swatches are mailed back to make sure it has the right feel and texture for the show. “We’ll get request for flame-retardant fabrics for curtains too.” For schools on a budget to the point that it’s a no-budget, it’s not uncommon for Paron to send a box of remnants for the price of shipping.

Otherwise it’s matching what is appropriate in their inventory to the show: “Shows that are a little more rustic, like westerns, will want denim and corduroy. If you need clothing for a specific period, like the 1770s, you have a pretty good chance of getting what you need for the costume here.”

As far as trends in costuming, “that’s a hard question to answer, but a combination of black and white material never seems to go out of style. Prints also are always popular, and they could be anything you can imagine.”

Mehron, Inc.

Mehron was called upon to provide for a very special production: Shrek the Musical. Prosthetic makeup designer Mike Marino created something that that was silicone based, which bounces more like skin than latex—that was the good news. But makeup artist/sales manager Gene Flaharty says the challenge was that getting the right makeup to work with it and the skin of the actor as well. It took six months of development, and along the way they created something that was long lasting and was easy to apply.

Flaharty says in addition to that high-profile project, they’ve redeveloped their creams and reformulated them to make them especially user-friendly on the skin. They have also developed a whole new line of lipstick for stage and performances. “We selected blue reds, orange reds, and brown reds, which read really well on stage. It’s no gloss, so it looks more natural. These are especially good when recreating a specific time period. We have recreated 16 colors, and I used them on stage last year and the girls absolutely loved them.”

There’s also Celebré Pro-HD foundation, that is has more flesh tones including darker ones from Asian to olive to medium blacks to blacks. “It’s great for small theatres using more realistic lighting,” he says.

Mehron has a policy of referring clients to their string of dealers throughout the country, but did say they have added an instruction book that is included in their student makeup kit. Written by Joe Rossi, former makeup artist on Saturday Night Live, it includes the basic tips everyone should know. “It’s written for beginner students, and high schools are using it as a text book in their classes.”


Their location is in their name: Accessory Wholesale New Orleans LA (AWNOL), and president/CEO Mike Gietl says they do a lot of business with local theatres, including Le Petit Theatre and Tulane University. But because their 7,000 pieces of jewelry and hats are online, they also cater to theatres everywhere.

“Theatre people come to us first for period things,” he says. “We’ve been in business for 25 years so we have a lot of genuine vintage pieces—not just faux,” says Gietl. Their hard-to-find hats, like bowlers, derby, gambler, straw, fedoras in hounds tooth, are a big draw. “Another thing that we’ve seen a huge increase in are our Venetian-style masks.” Now prevalent in reality and game shows, they are being increasingly needed in theatre productions.

Since they are a wholesaler, a minimum order of $75 is necessary. But Gietl says it is pretty easy for a theatre to hit that number when ordering a variety of things for a production. Also, for orders of $200 or more, there is free freight.

If there’s a call from a theatre looking for something special and specific—or even if they aren’t exactly sure what they want—Gietl usually takes the call personally. “I have a good understanding of the history of jewelry and hats, and I can usually help.”

Pegasus Theatrical

Pegasus does so many things—audio, video, special effects, staging, set design—but David Grossman also wants you to remember they also do makeup. Known as the largest Ben Nye dealer in Michigan, and one of the largest nationwide, their makeup division has contributed to making them a Midwest theatre powerhouse.

The makeup division began when Grossman went to a Halloween show in 1997. A conversation with Dana Nye of Ben Nye included Grossman telling him he wanted to serve the theatre business, and that lead to them being a distributor. Pegasus was successful immediately.

“We sell to all the schools and universities in Michigan and the region, and have a total of 4,500 active clients,” he says. “Ben Nye is a great product, has great support, and the few times there has been an issue, they’ve jumped on it and resolved it.” Part of the reason for the success of the line is consistency. “What I get today is exactly what I got three months ago.”

The economy hasn’t affected the makeup business too much, though he does note that he does get calls from people who bought something off the Internet that turned out to be old and unusable, and then come to them because of the consistency and quality of the product. “When the economy goes down, theatres will resort to making their own costumes; but with makeup they still need it to be good.” Their staff can often help with tips or refer them to someone who can help them if needed.

Lately they’ve been getting requests for latex masks and custom ones as well. “We occasionally also get especially large orders for blood,” he laughs. “As you know, Ben Nye has the best-tasting blood in the country!”

AEO Studios

AEO Studies has been called on to create everything from cow udders that shoot milk to quick-change witch prosthetics. “We love challenges, and we always urge designers and directors to shoot for the moon when planning a production,” says AEO president/creative director Alan Ostrander. “We help create effects that work within budgets.”

“A few years ago, we created a prosthetic nose specifically for a school for their production of Beauty and The Beast,” adds Drew Dalire, managing partner. “Though it was hard to convince them to use prosthetic pieces instead of a traditional wax or latex build out, it turned out great.”

Dalire says that he’s noticing that theatre clients want the “wow” factor, but special makeup needs to be easy and quick to apply and as clean as possible. Alternatives need to be examined, too. “Recently a potential client wanted green airbrush makeup for a zombie that could be applied in 90 seconds, but then eventually change back,” he says. “I suggested that a properly wigged and detailed pullover mask would probably be better.”

Dalire says that he senses a return to naturalism as far as makeup design is concerned. “However, some of the ‘Fringe’ type productions do require elaborate makeup designs and effects. And musical theatre will always have some of the cooler makeups, which are getting more complicated. But there are always ways to simplify an character’s elaborate makeup and keep the wow factor.”

AEO offers to analyze scripts and design suitable and appropriate makeup for a production. They can do makeup support pre, during, and post-show. Dalire: “If additional show support is required, the AEO staff is trained to do many aspects of production including casting, directing, stage managing, and producing. Our goal is to be the one stop shop for the industry.”

DC Theatricks

Many theatres undertake the task of costuming their entire production in house, although David DeJac of DC Theatricks advises that there are several options that can simplify the process and cut costs as well. “We routinely costume partial or complete productions on a rental basis, but an increasing number of theatres are finding it cost-effective to have their suits and uniforms built by us using their fabric and specifications. This allows their production staff to concentrate efforts on other costumes while retaining their original design,” he says.

The long-distance correspondence required to execute a detailed custom build has become very efficient in recent years, thanks to modern technology. DeJac points out that if issues arise during the production process, an immediate response from the designer is often needed to meet deadlines.

A recent uniform build for The Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park 2010 production of The Winter’s Tale had its share of unforeseen problems for the staff at DC Theatricks to solve. “Design modifications and construction details were revised several times and e-mailed to us so we could see the changes immediately, and respond just as quickly with any new concerns,” DeJac explains. “I was in constant communication with designer Clint Ramos and the wardrobe staff at The Public to make sure we fully understood all changes.”

“The use of cell phones, in particular, has been the most beneficial advancement allowing us to talk to designers wherever they may be, including while they’re fabric shopping,” continues DeJac. “We can convey yardage needed for a particular width of fabric, approve trim and button details in real-time, and receive pictures in seconds.” This efficiency not only keeps the work flowing, but lightning-fast technology also helps the bottom line by avoiding expensive express fees to send information.

01 September 2010

Today is 1 September

13 days until I hit the big 4-0, or otherwise known as the 19th anniversary of my 21st birthday.

26 August 2010

A thought

Once you realize there will always be good and bad people in any group/culture/city/country, it will be easier to treat people equally and with respect.

--From my Facebook Status posting

23 August 2010

99 Luftballons/99 Red Balloons

Notice the difference between the Original German, translation AND the English version of this song....

Check out this website -- http://www.inthe80s.com/redger3.shtml -- for a line by line translation.

Original Lyrics

Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst Du vielleicht grad' an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt

99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man fuer UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
Eine Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn es so war
Dabei war da am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons

99 Duesenjaeger
Jeder war ein grosser Krieger
Hielten sich fuer Captain Kirk
Das gab ein grosses Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fuehlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons

99 Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich fuer schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer haette das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons

99 Jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen Platz fuer Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt es nicht mehr
Und auch keine Duesenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh die Welt in Truemmern liegen
Hab' nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an Dich und lass' ihn fliegen

German Translation

Have you some time for me,
then I'll sing a song for you
about 99 balloons
on their way to the horizon.
If you're perhaps thinking about me right now
then I'll sing a song for you
about 99 balloons
and that such a thing comes from such a thing.

99 balloons
on their way to the horizon
People think they're UFO's from space
so a general sent up
a fighter squadron after them
Sound the alarm if it's so
but there on the horizon were
only 99 balloons.

99 fighter jets
Each one's a great warrior
Thought they were Captain Kirk
then came a lot of fireworks
the neighbors didn't understand anything
and felt like they were being provoked
so they shot at the horizon
at 99 balloons.

99 war ministers
matches and gasoline canisters
They thought they were clever people
already smelled a nice bounty
Called for war and wanted power.
Man, who would've thought
that things would someday go so far
because of 99 balloons.

99 years of war
left no room for victors.
There are no more war ministers
nor any jet fighters.
Today I'm making my rounds
see the world lying in ruins.
I found a balloon,
think of you and let it fly (away)

English Version

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got.
Set them free at the break of dawn
'Til one by one, they were gone.
Back at base, bugs in the software
Flash the message, Something's out there.
Floating in the summer sky.
99 red balloons go by.

99 red balloons.
floating in the summer sky.
Panic bells, it's red alert.
There's something here from somewhere else.
The war machine springs to life.
Opens up one eager eye.
Focusing it on the sky.
Where 99 red balloons go by.

99 Decision Street.
99 ministers meet.
To worry, worry, super-scurry.
Call the troops out in a hurry.
This is what we've waited for.
This is it boys, this is war.
The president is on the line
As 99 red balloons go by.

99 Knights of the air
Ride super-high-tech jet fighters
Everyone's a superhero.
Everyone's a Captain Kirk.
With orders to identify.
To clarify and classify.
Scramble in the summer sky.
As 99 red balloons go by.

99 dreams I have had.
In every one a red balloon.
It's all over and I'm standing pretty.
In this dust that was a city.
If I could find a souvenier.
Just to prove the world was here.
And here is a red balloon
I think of you and let it go.

22 August 2010

Bite Me, Ocean Park....

And a big F-U to you too!

18 August 2010

Muslim woman files complaint against Disneyland

Link from 89.3 KPCC

Muslim woman files complaint against Disneyland

Disney Look should be more accommodating and reflect the diversity of its workforce, otherwise, the Casting slogan: "Drawing Creativity from Diversity", means nothing. Geez, they allowed cornrows a few years ago.

Another rhetorical question

So, said friend that I referred to a few blog posts ago asked me for my address for a reference, that we have been friends for 13 years. He actually remembers that? Wow!

I took it as a sign that we are so out of touch that he doesn't have my current address. I'm offended. I make the phone calls to him. I send him stuff snail mail, and make sure that I have his current address at all times.

So, I wonder what I should do.... Hmmm....

17 August 2010

I so totally agree

From the Christian Science Monitor

It has taken China only 30 years since it embraced capitalism to create the second largest economy, beating out Japan and positioning itself to surpass the US over the next two decades. The world should take care, however, in noting this achievement. China has yet to display a similar growth as a respected, responsible partner in either Asian or global affairs.

Its neighbors, from South Korea to Vietnam to India, have recently become anxious as China wields its new-found strength with reckless impatience, claiming territory, controlling markets, and expanding its Navy in provocative ways. It even defied much of the world in not condemning North Korea’s recent sinking of a South Korean warship.

The response by many Asian nations has been a renewed embrace of the region’s longtime protector, the United States.

That embrace, however, is not just because the US is a geopolitical power with a Navy and an economy that can counter China’s expansion. No, fundamentally it is because the US still displays values and leadership that far surpass those of China in attracting allies.

The new regional concerns about China confront the US with a dilemma: How much should it contain China in areas that appear threatening while also trying to engage it as a potential strategic partner?

That requires a tricky balance. Containment worked during the cold war to bring down the Soviet Union because the communist system collapsed under its own contradictions. US containment of China also helped force it to abandon a communist-oriented economy in 1979, but not its authoritarian rule.

Since the end of the cold war in 1991, the US has more often than not tried to engage China, most notably in letting it enter the World Trade Organization and in seeking its help on crises such as the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea. But President Obama has begun to shift toward containing China, forcing the question of how far the US should go.

Washington has recently beefed up its military ties with Taiwan, Vietnam, and Indonesia, while threatening to conduct a massive sea exercise with South Korea near China’s coast on the Yellow Sea. Mr. Obama has asked Congress to approve a free-trade pact with South Korea, while seeking other such bilateral agreements in Asia that can measure up to similar pacts already won by China.

Most notably, the US stood shoulder to shoulder with many Southeast Asian nations last month. Washington told Beijing that its recent claims to many small islands in the South China Sea are essentially bogus and that it needs to resolve those claims peacefully with all the other nations around that sea.

This was a direct challenge to China’s presumed dominance of Asia. The US laid down a marker that it wants to remain the dominant power while also building up more alliances with other Asian nations to counter China.

That is not a light commitment by Obama. He must make sure the US military maintains a strong presence in Asia. He must stand up to Congress in winning approval of free-trade agreements. And he must encourage Asian nations to beef up their militaries to support the US in a regional defense.

On economic issues, the US is still engaging China, such as asking it to stop manipulating its currency in order to favor its exports. Here again, the US is standing up for the value of free markets, a value that China honors more for its self-interest than it does for other nations.

China’s lack of regard for the effects of its currency manipulation is straining Obama’s patience as he tries to revive the US economy. Congress certainly is becoming less patient as it moves closer to hindering imports of Chinese goods.

In making such moves, the US must remember that it stands for values such as liberty and openness which have enabled it to be a superpower. As China climbs toward becoming a superpower, it won’t get too far unless it adopts those values.

Last year, Lee Kuan Yew, the former leader of Singapore, warned that US core interest requires that it remains the superior power on the Pacific.