30 May 2013

Pug Pic

Gau can't make up her mind -- the rock or the fire hydrant. And it's going to rain soon. 

Making amends, out of nothing at all....

From Paul Casteneda, Success Coach
Sometimes, you will never have the opportunity to make something up to someone, to make amends, to make things right. This may be for a variety of reasons: death, distance, the desire of the other party, a closed door. Best you can do in this situation is release the intention of apology into the universe, forgive yourself and move away from guilt, learn the lesson that your misstep taught you and never travel down that same road again.

29 May 2013

Travelers, learn some manners!!!

Chinese, Brazilians and other South Americans, even my fellow Americans and assorted international travellers....   Learn some fucking manners! Your service providers will care about you more and will be more sincere about helping you. Bad behavior is a turn off, as it causes us not to care about you or the service we give you. Though travelling as private citizens, you are representatives of your country, and how one acts is the impression of how people in your home country behave. From CNN.

China calls on citizens to be 'civilized'

09 May 2013

Ab and Bitch, I mean Abercrombie and Fitch

As a former Ab and Fitch fan, I don't agree with the message and images they're trying to pawn as acceptable and normal. Think high school kids teasing and bullying the others because they are (fill in blank). This is a label of abuse, perhaps on the same level of the garment factories that make this stuff.
Ab and Bitch will never go away until people realize that this brand perpetuates the wrong concepts about body image AND how people should look AND treat each other.   I can't in good conscious wear their label anymore.  It helps that they are priced out of my poor starving artist budget.
Did I mention I miss wearing their pants and shorts? They hide my sorry excuse of a waistline.

Proper language, please

The ability to communicate properly is important to me. Taking the time to write and speak properly tells a lot about how one presents themselves. Not a snob, just very aware that people do judge me based on those merits alone also.

06 May 2013

What good are rules?

Uh.... One of the reasons people are working my last nerve: what good are rules, guidelines, laws, policies, etc. when they are applied inconsistently and when convenient? They were put there for a reason. Yes there are exceptions, but it's annoying when there's no respect for them.