27 February 2013

Don't be a douchebag FL TAG GZX3U

Driving northbound on Forsyth. This douchebag was riding my ass at 45mph in a 35mph zone. Passes me in a no passing zone on a blind curve. Took a pic of this jackass. He tried to take a pic of me and my car. Whatever. Road rage and driving recklessly is a bad combo, regardless why. Since he was in an SUV, I guess that he was trying to show me how small his cock was!

08 February 2013

A realization about my job

Just realized that I was MUCH, MUCH happier when my commitment to a certain employer was limited to 2-3 times a week. It made it much easier to walk away and leave it all behind. Not that I don't care about what I do or don't love the people I work with, it was a lot easier to live a balanced life by having more time to pursue the things I really do care about.
Not to worry, there are certain plans in play right now, so hopefully, I will be able to get to a happier place by the summer.

07 February 2013

Associated Press: In wealthy Hong Kong, poorest live in metal cages

Associated Press: In wealthy Hong Kong, poorest live in metal cages

I watched a documentary a few years ago in HK on TVB about this. It totally pissed me off, because there really aren't the social safety nets people think there are, and the ones that do exist aren't as comprehensive, as say, their former colonizer, Britain. Then a friend had me meet her in Sham Tsui Po, her neighborhood, to show me how most people live. It was an eyeopener, especially when they come to visit me in Causeway Bay, they enter another world.  I will never bitch about my tiny luxury hotel room in Causeway Bay (one of the high end shopping districts) again.

Another thought about dislike....

There is a modicum of truth to the adage that we dislike in others that which we dislike in ourselves. Just as true, however, is that we dislike in others that which we wish we could emulate and be. Even more distressing is that it is often something we are quite capable of, but we simply do not do.

Was it worth it?

Read article about: Alois Bell, dumb self-righteous cheapskate cunt.

This article is about the person, who was a pastor of her church who wrote "I give God 10%, why do you get 18%?" on her Applebee's check.  The Applebee's employees involved took a pic of it and the pic went viral.  As a result, the waitress and others were fired, because it publically embarrassed her. 

Why do I call this alleged woman of God a cunt?  Stupid idiot should have considered the consequences of her actions before she escalated it into something irreversible. Oh yeah, the 'righteous' don't need to consider such things, God is on her side. She set herself up for future abuse, because the employees (in an unprofessional manner) called her out publically. Was it worth it, Alois Bell? Was getting people fired because you did something really stupid worth it?  After all this, are you really fit to teach the word of the Lord?

Happy Year Of The Snake!

K'ung Hei Fat Choi!  Happy Year of the Snake.

I chose this artwork, as Dragon Dances are part of the celebration, because they chase away the evil spirits.  So my gift to you is good wishes and good spirits and energy during the coming year!

The US is not a socialist state

A few days ago, I saw a bumper sticker that said:

Socialism.  I didn't vote for it.

WTF?!?  Since when did this country turn socialist?

We still have a free market economy.  The economy isn't centrally planned or dictated by the government.  Our citizens aren't taxed to the hilt for comprehensive social services like medical care.  Most of our basic personal freedoms aren't sacrificed to benefit the state -- the social order, where we sacrifice many of what one would consider basic human rights to the government in order to guarantee prosperity, doesn't exist in the US.

The US is FAR from socialist.  It is very much free market capitalism that runs this country.

It offends the fuck out of me that just because President Obama is trying to achieve economic/social/political equality for ALL Americans, there are people that have the gall to call his goals socialist.

Didn't a Republican create Social Security and other safety nets that many of us have used at one time or another?  Didn't a Republican abolish slavery and then fought a war to keep the country together?  Didn't Republicans enact many of the laws that protect American workers from exploitation and harm?  Or try this:  Didn't Republicans create the laws that protect business and insure that everyone has an equal chance?

Yet Republicans are the ones that want to dismantle or make a mockery of these innovations that make our system of government unique and the envy of the world.

People are too gullible these days and are willing to listen to whatever they wish, as long as it fits into their beliefs.  However, they need to learn how to see things from a balanced point of view.  Learn how to get the facts from various sources.  It's time that the mentality "Just because so-and-so says it's the truth, it is the truth" ends.  That's pure bullshit.  People like these are one of the reasons all is all messed up with this country, because they are too willing to let people feed them the truth, instead of discovering it for themselves.

Case in point:  One of my closest and dearest friends, a staunch Republican, constantly complains that the majority Democratic government in his state, is one of the many reasons why he can't get ahead.  What he fails to see -- and I decline to point this out to him, as we have a compact that whilst we can bitch about the other party, we will not try to change our respective opinions, and engage in debate -- is that his party is a primary source of why he can't.  Their policies don't support him, his needs or his aspirations.  However, with the advent of the Affordable Health Care Act, he hopes to benefit from one of the few pieces of bipartisan legislation that is President Obama's legacy.

Anyway, there are people that may feel my line of reasoning flawed.  Perhaps it is.  But at least I'm looking at the whole picture from multiple points of view and trying to be objective.

Just because you can....

Just because you can do a thing does not mean you should. Just because you can say a thing does not mean you should. Everything has consequences. Every word, every action. Intended and unintended. Forethought is often lacking in today's world of instant gratification...and we are all the poorer for it.