26 June 2013

Crucifying Paula Deen: Was it necessary?

The answer for me is no. It goes for everyone -- public and private. If they express remorse, then let them redeem themselves and let it be. If they hadn't learned their lesson, then they need to be sanctioned and scrutinized. We all say things we don't mean, taken the wrong way and/or misunderstood and misused. We all know its not ok. Remind them harshly and move on.  That should take care of it. Crucify them if they are repeat offenders. Making them disappear or lose their position is a bit extreme. 

24 June 2013

Orlando: Tops in tourism, near bottom in income

www.orlandosentinel.com: Orlando: Tops in tourism, near bottom in income

And people wonder why people in Orlando are stressed out, drive like maniacs, don't live here for very long, and if you are served outside the theme parks, are treated with disrespect and indifference.  It's frustrating.  I thought I got a bargain moving here, but I'm paying the price for doing so.  And the Republican governments and legislators here aren't helping, passing legislation that could help the poor, the working class, or the middle class.

Basic managerial skills thought

Just a thought on basic managerial skills: newbies are low knowledge/talent and high maintenance. Why? They are learning a new job or adjusting to a new environment. The old timers should be high talent/knowledge and low maintenance. 

How one manages and treats their staff will determine whether or not they will become high maintenance too. Treat us with respect, understand the line between getting the job done AND being everyone's ally and use positive motivating tactics.

I am reaffirmed

I had spent the last year wondering why, after 9 years of training and facilitating classes to a few thousand employees, I still received the praise and respect of many people. After the disaster with a certain co-worker last night, I went in with the f-all attitude. As the night went on, I had four very meaningful interactions with guests and figured out how to deal with that co-worker, and a great time today. The fourth person even blessed me and my family after I did what I did. It was after those, it was reaffirmed WHY what I do still matters. It may be old school, but the storyline is still important.

17 June 2013

Keep it clean

The Taylor Chapman post has gotten a lot of attention from many readers.  And I have gotten a lot of colorful responses because of it.  I thought I was profane with my use of swear words in this and other posts in my blog, but the responses I had to screen were much more offensive.  So therefore, I was only able to share only one response.

I don't use the C-word lightly.  I reserve it for those who have wholeheartedly offended me or others by their acts and/or deeds.  It's a very disempowering word, for both the subject, and the part of the body that it refers to.  So, if I feel if one deserves being called that word, then, I shall use it.  Otherwise, it sends shivers down my spine if it is used like a common swear word, like shit, fuck and damn, because the C-word should be used sparingly and only when deserved.

I welcome responses to my posts.  Please keep it as clean as much as you can while expressing the essence of your feelings.  I know one can be articulate while dropping every other word as a swear word, since that was how I talked as a young community activist in the 1990s.  However, it can be overkill and could risk losing the overall message you are trying to convey.  Since the audience is everyone, I want to make sure you are able to share your thoughts and feelings with everyone, as I have with all of you.

Compassion Exercise

A guest shared this with me. Very profound and totally worth sharing. Namaste!

16 June 2013

eBay Rant -- Part 2

My eBay rant -- they suck

eBay used to be a great place to sell and market stuff, and is a big moneymaker for me.

But, between the buyers that abuse the system, the sellers trying to scam, and the need for more regulation, rules and penalties for the rule breakers, it totally blows.

They sent me a list of 300 items -- item numbers only, no description -- that needed updated pictures that meet their fucking standards.  Half those pics met those standards AND these were not easy to fucking find to revise.  Then I tried to upload them, and they wouldn't let me.  I just spent 6 hours of my damn life doing something they're making me do, to be told I can't. 

I sent two bitchy emails about how inefficient this is.  Yes, they gave us warning, but they should have used their stupid Turbo Lister program to tell us of non-compliance, like it screens everything we try to list for duplication, wording in violation of terms of service, things we forgot to include in a listing, etc.  INSTEAD of giving a list of only numbers what needs to be revised.  I could have been more proactive if I actually knew what the items are and also editing the inventory -- the original -- item listing for future use.

Trying to talk to them is no use.  At this time of the night, if they're still open, I'll be talking to some idiot Filipino outsourced customer service person who can only say "I'm sorry" and not be a part of a solution, that many eBay sellers like myself are pretty pissed off about.  It's not that they won't, but they're trained to read from a script, don't utilize critical thinking skills or creating problem solving.

And now, I'm having issues trying to fix 'errors' and uploading.  Can anything be easier with eBay anymore?!?  It's 345am, I'm fried, tired and really need to get to bed.  Grrr!!!

12 June 2013

A funny quote about Capitalism

Steve: "Hank, did you just scam us?"
Hank: "No, but capitalism does require a flexible morality."
-- From Sullivan and Son

Another reason to resent the Republicans

Their code words are so anti 'the people', it's not even funny!  They remind me of those who practice Confuscianism, where in order to look good and safe face, will deflect and avoid responsibility for their actions, and instead, blame others for why 'the system' doesn't work.  GOP legislators make me sick.

The Irony of It All

First Marvel, then the Muppets, Pixar, and now Star Wars....  What next? 

Corporate monopoly at its finest!

Taylor Chapman -- What a cunt!

I hate to use words like this, but what a fucking nasty cunt! People like her need to be shot or be sent to a third world country to scrounge for her food. Better yet sent to a prison in a third world country, where she can eat bugs while waiting to be executed. 

OR the alternative, since she's probably regretting her actions now:  She should lose her right to live here as a citizen and sent to a country where she can no longer enjoy the same comforts she abuses. No cash, designer clothing, smart phone, warm water, cars, safe edible food, or even Dunkin Donuts.  She should live on the streets begging for her supper or a safe place to sleep.

There are other ways to resolve issues, without abusing the customer service resolution process, or just plain abusing the employees.  Shame on her.

But as it is said, karma's a bitch, right?

04 June 2013

For Tianamen Square

In memoriam of June 4, 1989, the anniversary of the protests at Tianamen Square. Let us not forget the tyranny of a government, but not lose hope that someday, the truth will see the light, and national reconciliation of this and other Central Government wrongdoings will begin. 

Karma's a bitch, isn't it?

The three of you -- and others -- were promoted way too fast, without the benefit of proper training and development. You got away with stuff because you lied, stretched the truth, and deflected blame and responsibility onto unsuspecting others, like me, who after standing up to you, is persona non grata. And now, your tactic of self-destructing your own event so you can blame a lawsuit you lost is just lame. The planning for this event is showing all your weaknesses and shortcomings for all to see. The three of you will not survive this. Karma's a bitch, isn't it?