04 August 2012

Why Working for OP sucks ass, Part 2

(7/4/2012:  I thought that this was published, unless people bitched about this and had this removed from public view.  I am reposting this as a reminder that I do not appreciate being screwed with.  And yes, I do understand how unprofessional this is and what kind of fire I'm playing with.  But I will not be censored.)

Or, This isn't over yet....

In the past year, I have been awaiting communication from them as far as my future with working with them. Obviously, they have heard my opinions loud and clear, and have told a third party that I will not be working with them, based on my online rants and criticism.

I fully expected it, as posting such criticisms would get me in trouble. However, I did win, since they heard my opinions about the subject at hand.

Sorry that they have fragile egos, for such arrogant attitudes towards their jobs and dealings with people.

I shall begin by saying these things:

In order to be a world class organization, you have to have to have world class people thinking about the big picture and the details that go into it. They have neither. They try, but do not listen to criticism or constructive feedback, and blame others when their way doesn't work. The lack of ownership or pride in their work is disgusting, as they do not learn from their mistakes. Rather they bandage it up or totally ignore it for a number of insane reasons. Their leadership doesn't enforce accountability, or even endeavor to create standards, resulting in people running around reinventing the wheel, not learning from their mistakes, doing their jobs with no guidance or feedback until something goes terribly wrong, and a bunch of people thinking that they are the best and making decisions without consequence to the results.

If this organization is indeed a family, then why, prey tell, do they treat others -- the unpopular, the unknown, the new people, and the people they hire on a contract basis, all of which is otherwise known as the outsiders -- like they're not. What results is a lot of miscommunication, lack of transparency, and the efforts of the outsiders to do their jobs effectively is undermined. The outsiders are reminded on a constant basis that they do not belong, and they are not part of 'the clique', where they are often excluded in participating on decisions that affect the way these people do their jobs. What a total hypocrisy!

These people have no respect for their jobs. Even though it is totally none of my business, without saying too much, don't cancel meetings because you want to visit relatives, go shopping, or change your flights, whatever. Don't abandon your boss, because you don't respect or want to hang out with him. Seeing that, shocked me, as it shows total disrespect to him. When one travels for business, one can have fun, but remember, first and foremost -- do your jobs!

And to the one that was abandoned: You could have two people hanging out with you, to drink, comisserate, and have fun. But you pissed off at least one of the two people so badly over the years -- me -- that I no longer trust you or wish to be seen in public with you. I can tolerate working with you, as long as you treat me with respect and allow me to do my job. I have a list of issues with you so long, almost as long as my grievances with your team, since most of those involve your team.

So I return to the conversation at hand. So, Vicky, really, did you have to send a third party, like your former boss, to send me the bad news? You really should have written me a letter and solicited a response from me before you decided to 'sack' me. Seriously, I wasn't fired, because I never was offered the job in the first place.

Todd, sorry, we didn't talk any more when we last saw each other. You should have requested, to my face, an audience with me. Not pussy footing around and sending messages through a third party. You had a year to say anything additional that you had to say. Not my problem, not my fault. You have my email. You know how to get a hold of me.

To the organization I have insulted and heavily criticized: You had it coming. Your undermining tactics have my attention. Though I hoped that my online attacks would force you to see things, I see that you all are reticent, in seeing the error of your ways.

I end this with the same curse to Vicky, Todd, Canda, and Ashida:

Until you do right by me, everything you think about is gonna crumble.Until you do right by me, everything you even think about gonna fail.The jail you plan for me is the one you will rot in.Everything you done to me, already done to you.-- Miss Celie, The Color Purple

This isn't over yet.

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