04 August 2012

I have hypospadias. 

It's a birth defect.

I knew I was different in many ways.  I didn't know how different this really made me.

I found out about my condition on a TLC show, learned what the treatment was in Wikipedia.  It explains a lot more about me than what I thought I knew about myself.

The treatments mostly begin in infancy, and try to be completed by the age of 5.  There are additional surgeries to correct issues, that include removing scar tissue.  I look at the scars on my body, and realize, they had to do skin and bone grafts, and my left arm looks like a junkies.  In fact, my veins are collapsed in my arm, they've had to start putting IVs in my hands many years later.

This condition has affected me in ways I didn't realize.  Everything from intimate encounters to something as simple as using the toilet.  It's affected me mentally and emotionally.  For a child that didn't know any better, the treatments, the surgeries, etc. is like being abused.  It's a major source of my insecurities --  emotionally, mentally, intimately.

I function like every other guy.  I have a healthy intimate life.  It works like those of other men.  However there are somethings I have to do differently, concealing them lest there are rumors going around.

One of the things that suck that this condition affects size, however, I am not micro.  (I know my dad and brother are way bigger than me.)  Even if I want to, this condition has rendered me almost infertile.  I get constant UTIs, that I am so accustomed to, I don't know when I am getting them.  They are confused as NGU's whenever I seek treatment.

They say 1 in 250-300 boys are born with this condition. 

I say that to my fellow friends -- gay and straight -- that have this condition:  You are not alone.  There are others that have underwent what you went through.  It is not embarrassing.  It is not your fault, nor anything your mom and dad did.  You are not alone.

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