16 August 2012

Politische Amerikaner

Today's Facebook post:

I've decided that I will exercise restraint in sharing political stuff, unless it seriously moves me to do so or the orgs that I 'like' post it on my page. I know who I'm voting for and why, to share that with people to the point of shoving it down their throats is wrong. I understand that by not doing so, may do a dis-service to the causes I believe in. However, quite frankly, since we hear this stuff on TV, read it in the media, I want to enjoy my social media outlets more without adding to the political drama and angst that many people I know have. After November, it will be back to Status Quo, whatever that may mean.  I just find the tones and the tactics used in the past 20 years to be conduct unbecoming to those who wish to serve the people and their interests. What started out as a mere annoyance to me, has become a major irritant. So, I've opted to, unless I am moved to speak, not become a party to this crap that has become American politics.

However, I will post my thoughts and share stuff on my blog, so if people really cared about what I thought, they can come here.


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