24 February 2010

Worked hard all my lifetime

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends
Oh Lord, won't buy me a Mercedes Benz?
-- Mercedes Benz, Janis Joplin

So, the point of this lyric, is after I've worked my 54 years in my working life, will I have anything to show for it, other than a huge ass debt load?

I can say, it's a qualified yes. Here's why:

I have met some incredible people.
Learned a lot from my interactions and my major screwups.
Have done things I never thought I would do, and people have said I never could/would do.
Visited some awesome places I never thought I would see.
Found love, lost it. Rediscovered it, lost it. Found it again.
Worked some of the jobs I've wanted to.
Done pretty much what I have wanted to, and for the most part, on my terms.

There are things I wish for. Being a millionnaire, and not have to worry about how to pay the bills. Have a stable work environment, or at least a stable job that I want to be at.. Get the hell out of Florida. Go to Hong Kong to visit, and not have to work for idiots who lack vision and direction. The ability to pursue artistic endeavours with like minded people.

Counting my blessings that I've been able to live my life. On my terms.

I am resigned to die a pauper. However, I can die knowing I lived a full life, or as full as I could make it.

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