12 February 2010

Central Government: Free Speech Now!

In an effort to control the internet, and at the same time advancing technological advances, it seems that the Central Government is actually negotiating with Google.

Access to information and the ability to comment freely on it is important for the growth of a society. Especially since the government stifles so much of it. But wasn't free speech encouraged during the early days of the founding of the Republic to discuss wrongdoings by people?

They can't have it both ways. You can't restrict speech of flow of information without some risks of your citizens trying to find a way to get around it. Then the world looks at you indignantly when you slap a 11 year sentence on someone just for trying to find information and/or speaking out. On the other hand, you have to maintain a sense of transparency so that you will maintain a sense of trust with the citizens you represent.

So, which is it? Your people will find a way to express themselves, and get information to people. Even at the expense of the central government, and at their own peril.

Wouldn't it be better to open up your doors on your own accord, rather than have external forces (in the search for a sphere of influence in Asia, western governments have forced your country and others to open up their doors) force you to? At least you get to save face and look like the heroes.

Unfortunately, it is not all that simple, because the people in the Central Government has their heads shoved up so far up their asses, they can't see the truth, and are wallowing in their self-important and deluded sense of reality.

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