19 February 2010


After a really long day, I want to say: I hate uppity tourists who think their shit don't stink, and hate being corrected by their service provider, who just happens to be a person of colour. I swear, what is up with stupid white people???

Not a racist, but the people that tend to give me the hardest time are upper/upper middle class white people who think their self-importance counts for something. Wrong. What makes them special? I totally understand that good customer service is important for a companies' survival, but at the same time, the same people need to be held accountable for their behaviour.

For example a guest told me that "I don't sound how I look". What the hell does that mean? Fucking racist asshole.

Or when someone tells them they can't do something, they automatically try to assert their privilege by trying to prove the service provider wrong. Fucking idiots.

Stupid people shouldn't breed.

My other half went to the mini mart today. A guy double parked behind, blocking the car. A black car, without the hazards on. He got finished, and accidentally backed into the car, because he couldn't see the damn thing. At least it didn't do anything major, and it was totally the other person's fault. Dumb, dumb and dumber.

Enough of my rant. Just tired of dealing with stupid people left and right today. Grrr.... Plus it was cold, and I was tired. OK.... I'll stop for now.


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