24 July 2010

Story Time

Drew's note: This was an email forwarded from my friend David. I have long felt this way, as a child of immigrants. When I voiced my opinions, said friend accused me of being a Republican, which I am not.

I find it frustrating that our latest immigrants don't have an understanding or appreciation of what the immigrants that came before them went through, and instead hide in their 'ghettos'. No one gave my parents a break because their English skills were lacking, or they didn't understand white American customs.

My dad, experienced the anti-Asian riots as a young migrant labourer on the West Coast, and the blatant discrimination that he underwent. Those experiences made him bitter, angry and distrustful towards most whites and the system that he felt kept him from reaching his full potential. He's not a victim. He lived a full life despite these issues, and at least taught me to believe in this country and our people.

(Dad came before the US Government started imposing the quota system to certain ethnic/racial groups, and applied it to the country my dad was from, which was still a US territory at the time. Prior to that, my dad and many others from his homeland, came here supposedly to open arms, to learn the American Way, in hopes they would go home and teach others of the ideals that made America great)

I have taken the liberty to edit portions of this text to reflect my own personal views.

My great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Civil War, my father and I watched as our friends died in WW II, and I watched as my friends died in Vietnam .

None of them died for the Mexican Flag.

Everyone died for the US flag.

Recently in Texas, a student raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole; another student took it down. Guess who was expelled...the kid who took it down.

Kids in high school in California were sent home in early May on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them..

Enough is enough.

The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every American; and every American needs to stand up for America, We've bent over to appease the America-haters long enough.

I'm taking a stand.

I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the US flag can't stand up.

If you agree, stand up with me.

If you disagree, please let me know, I will gladly remove you from my e-mail list.

And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.

Let me make this perfectly clear! THIS IS MY COUNTRY! And, because I make this statement,DOES NOT mean I'm against immigration!!! YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY!

To come through legally:

1. Get a sponsor!

2. Get a place to lay your head!

3. Get a job and contribute to the community and the economy.

4. Live By OUR Rules! Though you may not agree with them, at least respect that they are there for a reason.

5. Pay YOUR Taxes!

6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants have in the past!!! Learn how to integrate yourselves into the larger community. You are welcome to have your groups, but remember you have to interact and communicate with the outside.

7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime savings of Social Security funds to you.

If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone, then YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! When will WE STOP giving away OUR rights???

We've gone so far the other way... bent over backwards not to offend anyone.

But it seems no one cares about the AMERICAN CITIZEN that's being offended!

WAKE UP!!! If you agree.... Pass this on.

If you don't agree... Delete It!!!


  1. When I sent this to Drew & he responded with the reminder that I had accused him of being Republican, I apologiozed & told him that because I had spent time in Arizona, New Mexico & California the last couple years, I had been educated. My eyeswere REALLY opened.


  2. David,

    I still love you. This was in no means a personal attack, I just was noting the irony. If you can, check out Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days episode where they focus on illegal immigration.

    Granted, I am still on the fence on Amnesty, but I'm strongly against condoning illegal immigration, and the ease of gaining US Citizenship. Look at what the Netherlands has done regarding how they view how important assimilation and integration into Dutch society is.


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