18 December 2016

New Year's Resolution 2017

I'm tired of work 'friends' not giving me time of day.  It hurts.  I could deal with:  "Can't talk right now.  Text later."  or, "Get back to you", or whatever.  Just being snubbed makes me feel like shit.  I think this is my New Year's Resolution for 2017.  I hate going back into the bubble, but if it helps me keep my nose clean and focused on what I need to do at the moment, and leave people behind, then so be it.  It's not worth the crap. 

On the other hand, there's so much crap going on, they don't want to bother me.  But at the same time, text, message me, call me to see how I'm doing.  Again, it makes me feel like crap.

There's a situation that I can't discuss, where I wonder:  What the hell is going on with our work relationship, and our personal friendship? 

I'm supposed to be back 1/1/2017.  I guess this is my matra till I can get transferred out of my work hell and into somewhere else, where I hope to be happy. 

I love what I do, just hate doing it where I'm at.  I went to warm, kind and fuzzy to cold and unempathetic.  Not really me, but it's a survival tool. 

When that time comes for my badly needed departure, I will not be announcing the move until I get into the parking lot, which is what I did three and a half years ago, two transfers ago.  Just don't need people getting mushy and freaked out.  Nor do I need people to come back at the last possible moment to tell me that they "wish I wasn't leaving", "What am I going to do without you?", "Please don't leave me here alone!", or that I'm "going to be missed".  Screw that.  I'm going to leave that shit show going down there, and move on with the least amount of baggage possible.

Sorry I need to vent here.  It's not a pleasant experience when you feel abandoned by people who you thought were going to be there.

Thanks for listening.

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